Covenant appreciates any way that you can offer support through your time, talent or treasure. Below is a Wish List of items we could use to keep Covenant running smoothly and efficiently. If you are able to purchase or make a contribution towards purchasing an item on our list, please connect with Nicole Wise Williams at


USLR Science: Microscopes

The USLR Science department needs four additional microscopes for the RS Science lab. 

OMAX 2500X LED Lab Binocular Microscope






USLR Science: Stereo Microscopes

The USLR Science department needs six Stereo Microscopes for Anatomy and Physiology. These top-light stereo microscopes are entry-level, but will effectively allow students to see smaller specimens that light cannot pass through (e.g., fruit fly mutants, planaria (tiny flatworms), fungi, moss, and other samples). 

OMAX 20X-40X Student Binocular Stereo Microscope



Classical Roots: Cedar Trellises

The Classical Roots program needs a few supplies for the school’s gardens this year – two of these cedar trellises for the veggie garden:

Cedar Trellises



Classical Roots: Watering Can

The Classical Roots program needs a few supplies for the school’s gardens this year – this superb watering can in green:

Watering Can




Classical Roots: Cold Frames

The Classical Roots program needs a few supplies for the school’s gardens this year – two of these cold frames to extend our growing season:

Cold Frames