Any academic program’s success is built on three core pillars – curriculum, students, and teachers. At Covenant, we have carefully created one of the most engaging and rigorous academic and curricular programs available in the Boston area. Our students are carefully screened and held to a high standard. The third pillar – teachers – is our highest priority and our most treasured asset. Our faculty and staff at Covenant share a vision of excellent education that forms a strong commitment to students and to their success. When hiring faculty at Covenant, we look beyond a teaching credential. Our first priority is to find teachers of strong Christian faith who love learning themselves, and who, in turn, inspire students to learn. In addition to these important qualities, we seek teachers capable of teaching in the classical Christian model.
Covenant is privileged to employ an outstanding group of individuals to teach and support our students. Over 50% of our faculty hold advanced degrees (or are actively pursuing one), and many have taught at the college level.
GS – Grammar School (PreSchool-Grade 6)
USLR – Upper School of Logic & Rhetoric (Grades 7-12)

- B.A. in Finance and Economics, Saint Anselm College
- M.S. in Finance and Economics, Boston University
- M.Div. in Christian Apologetics, Liberty University

- B.A. in Psychology & Sociology, Gordon College
- M.Ed. in Early Childhood Ed & Special Ed, Lesley University

- B.A. in Spanish Language & Literature, North Carolina State University
- M.A. in Applied Linguistics, Texas Tech University
- Ed. S. in Leadership in Classical Christian Education, Gordon College

- B.Mus. in Music (Education Concentration), Gordon College
- M.Ed. in Educational Leadership, Salem State University

- B.A. in History, University of Virginia
- Master of Teaching, University of Virginia

- B.A. in Biology, Northwestern College
- M.Div., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

- B.S. in Fashion Merchandising Management, Fashion Institute of Technology
- M.B.A., Lehigh University

- B.S. in Public Relations, James Madison University
- M.A. in Public Relations, Concentration in Business Management, University of Maryland at College Park

- B.A. in Music Education, University of Massachusetts, Lowell

- B.A. in Biblical & Theological Studies, Gordon College

- B.S. in Elementary Education and Special Education, Evangel University

- B.A. in Biblical & Theological Studies, Wheaton College (IL)
- M.A. in New Testament, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
- M.A. in Theology, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

- B.A. in Visual Arts and minor in Business Administration, Gordon College
- M.S. Ed. in Special Needs, Simmons University
- Professional MA Licensure, Teacher of Students with Moderate Disabilities

- B.S. in Government (Pre-Law), Minor in Business Marketing, Liberty University

- A.S. in Graphic Design, Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale

- B.A. in Political Science, Ithaca College
- M.A. in Criminal Justice, Curry College

- B.S. in Nursing, Messiah College

- B.A. in Business Administration, Accounting, and Mathematics, Gordon College
- M.A. in Non-Profit Management, Biola University

- B.A. in English, Gordon College
- B.A. in Secondary Education, Gordon College
- M.Ed. in School Counseling, Boston University

- Gordon College
- M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

- B.S. in Biology & Psychology, Boston College
- M.A. in Counseling & Youth Ministry, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

- B.Mus in Music Ed., UMASS Lowell
- M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction, with Director Certification, UMASS Lowell

- B.S. in Early Childhood Education, Gordon College Minor in ESL, Gordon College
- B.S. in Psychology , Gordon College

- B.S. in Mathematics concentrating in Mechanical Engineering, University of New Hampshire
- M.S. in Mathematics, Salem State University

- Bachelor’s of Multidisciplinary Studies (Elementary Education), Texas Tech University
- Mathematics Specialization, Texas Tech University

- B.A. in Elementary Education, Dordt University

- B.S. in Elementary Education, Houghton College
- M.Ed. in Elementary Education, Salem State University

- B.A. in Sociology with a minor in Early Childhood Education, Framingham State University
- M.Ed. in Early Childhood Education, Framingham State University

- B.S. in Anthropology, Saint Michael's College

- B.A. in English, Gordon College
- M.A. in Social Work, Salem State University

- B.A. in Liberal Studies / Education (Early Childhood), Endicott College
- M.Ed., Endicott College

- B.A. in Elementary Education, Endicott College
- M.Ed. in Special Education, Endicott College

- B.A. in Biblical Studies and Linguistics, Gordon College
- M.A. in Biblical Languages, Gorden Conwell Theological Seminary

- B.A. in Bible, Columbia International University
- M.A. in New Testament, Trinity Divinity School
- M.Div. in Missiology, Trinity Divinity School
- Th.D. in Practical Theology/New Testament, University of Vienna, Austria

- B.S. in Horticulture & Agronomy/Biology, University of New Hampshire

- A.S. in Liberal Studies, Middlesex Community College
- Early Childhood Education Assistant Teacher Certification, Middlesex Community College

- A.S. in Early Childhood Education, North Shore Community College

- B.A. in Comparative Religion, Nyack College
- M.Div., Gordon Conwell

- B.A. in Early Childhood Education, Lesley University
- M.A. in Teaching English as a Second Language / ESL, Merrimack College

- B.A. in Elementary and Special Education, Gordon College

- B.A. in Religion, Vanguard University
- M.A. in Theological Studies, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

- B.S. in Psychology of Child and Adolescent Development, Liberty University
- M.A.T. in Elementary Education, Liberty University

- B.A. in English Language and Literature, Gordon College
- M.A. in Latin and Classical Humanities, UMASS Boston

- B.A. in Special Education, Michigan State University
- M.A.T. in Teaching and Learning, Johns Hopkins University

- B.A. in Theater Arts, Gordon College

- B.A. in Music, Gordon College

- B.A. in English, Patrick Henry College
- M.Ed. in Secondary English, Gordon College

- B.A. in Elementary Education, Calvin College
- M.Ed. in Teaching Mathematics, Harvard Extension School

- B.S. in Neuroscience and Behavior, University of Notre Dame

- B.F.A., Syracuse University
- M.Ed. in Art Education, Gordon College
- SEI Endorsement

- B.S. in Early Education and Art, Gordon College
- M.A. in Education, Gordon College

- B.A. in Christian Education, Wheaton College (IL)

- B.S. in Early Childhood Education, Salem State University
- M.A. in Early Childhood Education, Gordon College

- B.A. in English, Covenant College
- M.Sc. in Literature and Modernity, The University of Edinburgh
- Claus Nobel Educator of Distinction Award, 2012

- B.S.W. (Bachelor of Social Work), Minor in Criminal Justice, Salem State University
- M.Ed. in Early Childhood Education, Lesley University

- B.S. in Business Administration, UMASS Amherst

- B.A. in English Literature, Gordon College
- B.S. in Elementary Education, Gordon College

- M.Ed. in Education, Salem State University

- B.Mus in Music, Houghton University
- B.S. in Equestrian Management, Houghton University
- CCA Alum, 2015

- B.A. in Sociology, Sacred Heart University
- M.A. in Elementary Education, Sacred Heart University

- B.A. in Elementary Education, Minor in History, Salem State University
- M.A. in Special Education, Salem State University

- PharmD, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy & Science

- B.S. in Elementary and Middle School Education, Minor in English, Gordon College

- BS in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Physical Education K-12, Gordon College
- M.Ed. in Leadership Education, University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa

- B.A. in Elementary Education and Fine Arts, Monmouth University
- M.Ed. in Special Education, Bridgewater State University
- Certified in Orton-Gillingham

- B.A. in Physics, Cedarville University
- M.S. in Radiological Sciences, UMass Lowell
- Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology: Medical Physics, UMass Lowell

- B.S. in Mathematics, Gordon College

- B.S. in Elementary Education, Fitchburg State University

- B.A. in History, Hillsdale College
- M.A. in History, SUNY Binghamton

- Lead Pre-School Teacher certified, Department of Early Education & Care

- B.S. in Elementary Education, Minor in Theater, Palm Beach Atlantic University

- B.A. in History and English, Gordon College
- M.A. in New England Studies, Lesley University

- B.S. in Biology (Environmental and Marine Science), Minor in Chemistry, Gordon College