Parents, welcome to Covenant! One of the greatest advantages of private education is the ability for parents to be fully engaged partners and active participants in their children’s school community. As Christian educators, we believe there is tremendous potential and benefit for children when parents have a positive partnership, based on mutual faith and worldview, with a school community. It is our desire to maximize this potential with all parents and families within our school community.
Quick Links for ParentsFACTS SIS (formerly RenWeb) Parents Login – Link FACTS Tuition & Aid – Link Back-To-School Page – Link 2024-2025 One-Page School Calendar (as of 12/2/24) – Link Athletics Calendar – Link Campus Cuisine School Lunch Program – Link (Campus Cuisine access code: CCA978) Lands’ End School Uniforms – Link (Lands’ End School #: 900029372) Grammar School Uniform Guidelines – Link Logic School Uniform Guidelines – Link Rhetoric School Dress Code – Link Naviance: College Prep Login – Link New Family Referral Incentive Program – Link Pre-Arranged Absence Form – Link
SSL Certificates Instructions for downloading and installing SSL certificates for access to the student network at CCA.
Parent / Student Handbooks The Grammar School Parent / Student Handbook and the Upper School Parent / Student Handbook can be accessed on FACTS SIS (formerly RenWeb) through your Parents Web log in. It is located in the School Information / Resource Documents tab.
Important Phone NumbersMain Phone: 978-535-7100 Fax: 978-535-7123
David Anastasi, Head of School x504 Andrea Bergstrom, Grammar School Principal x505 Matt Offner, USLR Principal x512 Tracy Bennett, USLR Dean of Academics x509 Caleb Ingersoll, USLR Dean of Students x508 Lisa Coleman, Grammar School Asst. Principal, Director of Fine Arts x510 Sharon Covell, Main Office Manager & Reception Tricia Curtis, Registrar & USLR Admin. Assistant x514 Rita Detwiler, Business Office Manager x502 Rebecca Draper, College Guidance x513 Jason Lawrenz, Athletic Director, Chaplain x507 Jennifer McKernan, USLR Director of Academic Support x517 Ryan Patrie, Director of Admissions x511 Jessica Rossotti, Chief Finance and Operating Officer x582 Erin Sheppard, Marketing & Communications, Website & Social Media x503 Nicole Williams, Chief Advancement Officer x515 Joshua Ulrich, Director of Security x516 |
Forms for ParentsThese forms can be filled out and emailed to the office at
Driver Application Form – Link CORI Forms for Volunteers – Link |
Covenant Parent Connection
Join Us! We are a group of parents who love our school and are committed to growing, benefitting and serving CCA by working alongside the faculty and administration and helping wherever we can! Our goal is to facilitate clear communication between the parents and families and the CCA staff and administration. The CPC serves as a source of information for parents about the ins and outs of upcoming school activities, volunteer needs, ideas for fundraising, community fellowship and CCA School Spirit. Our hope is that by participation in the CPC you will make new friends, have fun and laugh a lot!!! Many hands make not only light work, but make it more fun for everyone! We look forward to seeing you at our next gathering.
CCA Parent Kelly Plosker is the Head of Covenant Parent Connection for the 2024-25 school year. For more information email
Parents in Prayer
You are welcome to join us! Parents in Prayer is a fellowship co-led by CCA parents Hanna Machatha and Valencia Koomson and is open to all CCA parents. We gather the first Wednesday of the month in the Faculty/Staff Lounge following morning drop-off to pray for our students, faculty and staff, administrative leadership of the school and board, parents, and specific prayer needs as they arise.
Please reach out to Hanna or Valencia with any questions at