Victor Hugo is quoted as saying, “Music speaks what cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.” There is not a day that goes by that I am not involved, in some way, with music. I find myself walking through the halls humming or whistling the latest song that the Jazz Band or Worship Band is playing. Music reaches me on my good days and on my bad, when I am happy or sad. And if you are anything like me, you can’t hear your favorite song without humming or singing along. Victor Hugo was correct when he said “it is impossible to be silent”! Having taught music for over 10 years prior to joining CCA, I was thrilled to learn of a private Christian school that placed a high level of importance on excellence in not just music, but all areas of the Fine Arts. This is why I was excited to join the faculty at CCA and this is why I look forward to many future years here as well!
The CCA Fine Arts department offers many opportunities for students to participate in instrumental ensembles, chorale ensembles, theater productions, and visual arts experiences. Each and every student finds a way to participate in the Fine Arts, bringing a greater sense of community to all who participate. Research has proven that participation in the performing and visual arts empowers students to express themselves artistically and creatively and to develop an appreciation for cultural events and the world around them. Engagement in Fine Arts also enhances students’ ability to learn in other areas, including reading, writing, and mathematics. As you read through the many ways the Fine Arts are a part of our community, I encourage you to visit one of our Fine Arts performances. It will give you a greater understanding of what we do here and how the Fine Arts at CCA greatly enrich a student’s educational journey.

Lisa Coleman
Director of Fine Arts