QUICK LINKS: School Calendar | School Website | FACTS SIS | FACTS |
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Covenant Christian Academy Business Hours:
Monday–Friday, 7:30 am–5:30 pm
The Official School Calendar can be found on our website. To automatically have school events added to your personal online calendar, click the green “Subscribe” button at the bottom of the page! Check back weekly for date change notifications.
Friday, January 31st:
Covenant Parent Connection Meeting, CCA Cafe, 8:15 am
International Festival, PAAC, 6:00 pm
Deadline for Covenant Community Business Directory Ad Reservations
Wednesday, February 5th:
Parents in Prayer, Faculty Lounge, 8:15 am
Financial Aid Application due
Friday, February 7th:
All-School Wear Red Day for Tyler Simoes
Guardians of the Galaxy Movie Night, Small Gym, 7:00 pm
Saturday, February 8th:
GS SnowBall Father/Daughter Dance, PAAC, 6:00 pm
RS Semi-Formal, 7 Mile Church, Melrose, 6:30 pm
Monday, February 10th:
Online Re-enrollment begins
Wednesday, February 12th:
100th Day Drive Donations Due
Thursday, February 13th:
GS Red, White, and Pink Dress-Down Day
Friday, February 14th:
NO SCHOOL–Professional Day
Monday, February 17th–Friday, February 21st:
NO SCHOOL–February Break
Monday, February 24th:
Deadline for Silent Auction donations
Deadline for Seussical Program Book Ad Reservations
Please click here to print the most recent 2024–25 School Year Calendar.
Upcoming: Re-Enrollment for the 2025-26 School Year
Opens: Monday, February 10th
Re-Enrollment for all current students opens on Monday, February 10th. Re-Enrollment will be completed through Veracross, which will be replacing FACTS as our school information system for the 2025-26 school year*. Details regarding Veracross will be sent in advance of the re-enrollment period. Re-Enrollment contracts and deposits are due February 24th. A late fee will be charged for enrollments after the deadline, and seats for the 2025-26 school year will not be guaranteed for late enrollments.
Lookout for an email with your Veracross Account information in the coming days.
Here are some important dates to remember:
February 5th: Financial Aid application deadline
February 10th: Re-Enrollment opens
February 24th: Re-Enrollment closes–contracts and deposits due
March 4th: New student admission offers sent
*FACTS will still be used for the remainder of the 24-25 school year (with the exception of re-enrollment).
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Parents in PrayerWednesday, February 5th | 8:15 am | Faculty/Staff Lounge
Parents in Prayer (PIP) is a fellowship co-led by CCA parents Hanna Machatha (mom to 4th-grader Andrew and 2nd-grader Ariana) and Valencia Koomson (mom to 3rd-grader Michelle and 1st-grader Justin) and is open to all CCA parents. PIP gathers the first Wednesday of the month in the Faculty/Staff Lounge following morning drop-off to pray for students, faculty and staff, administrative leadership of the school and board, parents, and specific prayer needs as they arise.
You are welcome to join!
The next prayer meeting for this school year is Wednesday, February 5th at 8:15 am. Please reach out to Hanna or Valencia with any questions at parentsinprayer@ccamail.org. |
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CCA’s Annual 100th Day of School Service ProjectMonday, January 27th–Wednesday, February 12th
This month, CCA will honor our annual commitment to support a valuable Peabody organization we have partnered with for more than 10 years: Citizens Inn/Haven from Hunger. The organization includes a food pantry and community meals program. The food pantry provides free, nutrient-dense food to low—and moderate-income families and individuals.
Please refer to the attached flyer to discover how your child’s class/grade will be participating in the effort in honor of our 100th Day of School. We invite you to help your classrooms achieve the possible goal of collecting 100 designated items to help others in need.
Please bring your contributions to any of the drop locations (PreK/K entrance, PAAC connector hallway, or USLR entrance) between January 27th and February 12th.
USLR students will receive House points for most items collected!
Thanks for all you are able to do for our Peabody community! |
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CCA’s International FestivalFriday, January 31st | 6:00 pm | PAAC
We look forward to hosting Covenant’s community celebration of our many cultures and traditions! Join us tomorrow night in the PAAC from 6:00–8:00 pm for an evening of food, fun, and celebration.
The International Festival is an evening where families represent their heritage and culture by sharing food, drinks, art, music, decorations, etc. We will line the PAAC with tables from different countries and have an open house atmosphere where you can walk around and sample various foods, talk with parents and students, and learn about the many cultures that make up our incredible CCA community. |
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Covenant Parent Connection MeetingFriday, January 31st | 8:15 am | CCA Cafeteria
Parents, please join us for the Covenant Parent Connection meeting to learn how you can support upcoming activities and events.
For questions about Covenant Parent Connection, please contact Andrea Bergstrom, Grammar School Principal, at andrea.bergstrom@ccamail.org.
*Please note: There is no Covenant Commentary this month. |
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All-School Wear Red DayIn Honor of Tyler Simoes’ Birthday (2/8) Friday, February 7th
The whole school is invited to wear red on Friday, February 7th to honor Tyler Simoes’ birthday (2/8). Tyler was a bright light to all who knew him and his favorite color was red. While he is no longer here with us to celebrate this day, we will continue to keep his memory alive. Special thanks to his friends in the eighth-grade class for always thinking of ways we can honor and remember Tyler. |
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Guardians of the Galaxy Movie NightFriday, February 7th | 7:00 pm | Small Gym
The eighth-grade class invites you to join them in the Small Gym on Friday, February 7th to watch one of our beloved friend Tyler’s favorite movies together. A $5 donation is suggested. Concessions will be available for purchase. All proceeds will support the Jade A. Williamson and Tyler Luiz Simoes Memorial Scholarship Fund. |
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Support Our Silent Auction: Help Build a Stronger Future for Covenant
Covenant is hosting a virtual silent auction in mid-March. Teacher experiences, themed grade baskets, and select auction items will be displayed in select locations throughout the school and on our social media channels, with all items being featured on our virtual bidding platform and school website, as well as in our digital auction catalog. All auction proceeds will support our 2024-2025 Covenant Fund goal of $300,000 to replace a significant portion of the parking lot, replace our interior lighting with LED, install a playground shade, and make program investments in Science and Fine Arts.
To make our auction a success, we are reaching out to community members, local businesses, and organizations for donations of goods, services, or gift cards. We would be so grateful for your generous contribution, whether it’s an item, an experience, or a gift certificate that we can offer to our auction participants.
Here are just a few ideas of items that could make a great addition to the silent auction:
Your donation will not only help us raise much-needed funds, but it will also showcase your support for our community. All contributors will be acknowledged on the mobile bidding platform, and your business name or personal recognition will be included in our digital program, on our website, and across our social media channels.
We kindly ask that all donations be received by Monday, February 24, 2025, in order to ensure they are included in our auction catalog. If you would like more information about the Silent Auction or have any questions regarding the donation process, please do not hesitate to contact Nicole Wise Williams, Chief Advancement Officer at nicole.williams@ccamail.org.
Thank you so much for considering this opportunity to make a positive impact on our community. We truly appreciate your support! |
Last Chance to Reserve Your Ad in the Covenant Community Business Directory!
Ad Reservations Due: Friday, January 31st
Are you a business owner? Church leader? Frequent patron of a local business? The Covenant Community Business Directory is open to members of our community and places you frequent or would recommend to others. Business listings and ad space are available for purchase in the Directory, which will be an invaluable resource and an exclusive opportunity to bring the extended CCA community closer by fostering connections, encouraging support, and sharing resources. Have a friend that might be interested in this exclusive opportunity? Share the links below.
Click here for listing and ad placement levels and here to reserve your ad space.
As a reminder, the deadline for ad reservations and artwork is Friday, January 31, 2025.
Covenant Community Business Directory Presale Orders
Beginning Wednesday, January 29th
Presale orders for the new Covenant Community Business Directory are now open. This Directory is a wonderful resource and exclusive opportunity to bring the CCA community closer together, facilitating a direct line to potential customers and consumers eager to support other Covenant families, vetted businesses, and places of worship.
The directory is available for $15 each and includes both a print and digital version. The directory will be available for pick up at CCA in the spring and a password-protected link for the digital version will be emailed to you. We expect this directory to sell out and encourage you to place your orders as soon as possible.
Click here to reserve YOUR copy of the Covenant Community Business Directory. The directory will be available in the spring in both print and digital formats.
Questions about the Covenant Community Business Directory can be directed to:
Nicole Wise Williams, Chief Advancement Officer, at nicole.williams@ccamail.org or
Erin Sheppard, Director of Marketing and Communications, at erin.sheppard@ccamail.org.
Thank you for supporting building a stronger Covenant community through local connections.
Financial Aid Deadline: February 5, 2025
The Grant & Aid Application for the 2025-26 school year is now available online. If you currently receive Financial Aid, you must reapply every year. The application can be found on our website or by clicking here. The Financial Aid deadline is February 5, 2025. Any applications received after this deadline will receive less aid pending qualification.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email financialaid@ccamail.org.
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Save the Date: SnowBall DanceSaturday, February 8th | 6:00 pm | PAAC
The annual Father-Daughter SnowBall Dance for all of the Grammar School girls and their distinguished gentlemen guests is next weekend! This beloved and highly anticipated event is such a great way for our girls and their guests to enjoy a sweet time of fellowship and fun.
If you haven’t already done so, click here to register.
It takes lots of volunteers, giving of their time, energy, and baking skills to pull off this great event. We are asking all attendees to sign-up to bring refreshments or offer the gift of service to help us ensure that this year’s SnowBall is as spectacular as ever. Logic School students are also encouraged to volunteer!
We are in particular need of folks to help decorate the gym between 2:00–3:00PM on Friday, February 7th and volunteers to serve during the event itself. Many hands make for light work and will help guarantee that our girls will enjoy a night to remember! Sign up here. |
Fun in Sixth Grade
Immersed in Italy: CCA’s In Situ Program Brings Christian and Classical Education to Life
After years of dreaming, it was announced last spring that CCA would be taking a small group of juniors and seniors to Italy for an experience grounded in our Christian and classical identity. After submitting a lengthy application, 19 students were chosen to travel to Orvieto, Italy for a pilot program called In Situ, which means “in place.” The idea behind the In Situ program was to support slow, deliberate and contextualized experiences in some of Italy’s most amazing locations.
Mrs. Bennett, Mr. Węgrzyn and Mrs. Kline designed the program and worked with the student group throughout the fall to prepare them for a 9-day trip that would include day trips to Assisi, Florence, and Rome.
The group was housed in the renovated convent where Gordon College runs its own Orvieto program and enjoyed daily meals by the resident chef, Maria. Students enjoyed getting to know the city of Orvieto, created intaglio prints that involved first sketching in multiple cities and of course, and enjoyed plenty of art and architecture. Gelato runs on “Orvieto days” were guaranteed and studio time was a routine everyone enjoyed. Additionally, the excursion days were opportunities to explore not just sites, but also ideas.
Whether attending Italian mass in Orvieto’s Duomo or gazing on Michelangelo’s Pieta, this group was encouraged to observe, be present, and use all five senses to engage in every experience and site. While most returned with tired feet, and perhaps some aching muscles from the miles of walking, there was a deep sense that the trip had, in fact, exceeded expectations.
The Orvieto group looks forward to sharing their work at the Spring Art Show this year, so be sure to stop by the Orvieto table to see even more images and samples of artwork produced In Situ.
Anyone wanting to learn more about the In Situ program can contact USLR Dean of Academics Mrs. Bennett: tracy.bennett@ccamail.org.
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Rhetoric School Semi-Formal!Saturday, February 8th | 6:30–9:30 pm | 7 Mile Road Church, 84 Green Street, Melrose
The RS Semi-Formal will be on Saturday, February 8th, from 6:30–9:30 pm! Students in grades 9–12 are invited to enjoy a delicious dinner, capture moments with a professional photographer, and dance the night away with friends.
Dress code: Semi-formal attire required.
Don’t miss out on this exciting evening! For registration details, check your email from Mr. Ingersoll. |
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Celebrating Josh Johnston’s Next Chapter
Last Friday, Mr. Copan’s Latin 3A class held a special celebration and going-away party for Joshua Johnston, who is embarking on a journey to complete his Associate of Arts (AA) degree. The decision to have a 10th grader leave CCA to pursue an AA degree is certainly unusual, making Josh’s next steps even more remarkable. A photo of Josh with his classmates, along with a mock AA diploma, was taken to commemorate the occasion. Josh’s parents expressed their heartfelt gratitude in a message, saying, “With great sadness, we made the decision to leave CCA to support Joshua’s education plan. We are so grateful for the loving and caring staff and community at CCA.” |
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Save the Date–Junior Parent College Admissions Night!Monday, March 3rd
Please join Rebecca Draper, Director of College Guidance, for an information-filled crash course on college admissions. From building a college list, to making college visits, to an overview of how to apply to college, we will cover everything you need to know about college admissions for your junior.
Time and location will be announced in coming weeks. |
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Classical Roots Weekly Blog: Propagation
Click here to read this week’s blog post, Propagation, and to subscribe to the Classical Roots Substack. Download the Substack app to be able to comment and ask questions. Help us spread the word by sharing this link with your friends.
If you are interested in learning more about this program or getting involved, please contact Alex Miller at alex.miller@ccamail.org. |
Opportunities to Sponsor the Spring 2025 Production of “Seussical”
We are excited to announce that on March 20th–22nd students in grades 7–12 will be performing one of the most performed shows in America, Seussical! With more than 50 students in the cast and crew, Seussical will be performed in our Performing Arts and Athletic Center, which will be transformed into the world of the Whos and Jungle Creatures.
We are offering sponsorship opportunities for local businesses, organizations, and events that are interested in reaching families with school-aged children throughout the North Shore of Boston and Eastern Massachusetts. The production will feature a live pit orchestra, professional grade costuming, extensive staging, professional lighting and sound engineering. Would you consider supporting this musical production by purchasing ad space in the program book? The program will be distributed to all audiences during the four performances, reaching an estimated 600+ people.
Click here for more information.
Upcoming Seussical rehearsals:
Friday, January 31st: Blocking/Choreography for Scene 17
Monday, February 3rd: Music rehearsal for Scenes 1-5
Tuesday, February 4th: Blocking/Choreography for Scenes 1 and 2
Wednesday, February 5th: Blocking/Choreography for Scenes 7 and 8
Thursday, February 6th: Blocking/Choreography for Scenes 6-9
Spring 2025 Clinics
Covenant Athletics will be offering three separate spring clinics (soccer, basketball, and volleyball) for students in grades 3–7.
See the flyer below for more details. Spaces are limited and registration closes on February 14th. Contact Athletic Director Jason Lawrenz with any questions: jason.lawrenz@ccamail.org.
Soccer clinic registration link | Basketball clinic registration link | Volleyball clinic registration link
Home Games This Week:
Come out and support our Cougars at a home game this week in the PAAC.
Monday, February 3rd:
4:30 pm: GVBB vs Montrose
Tuesday, February 4th:
3:30 pm: GMSBB vs Shore Country Day School
4:30 pm: BVBB vs International School of Boston – SENIOR NIGHT
Wednesday, February 5th:
4:30 pm: GVBB vs Brimmer & May
Thursday, February 6th:
3:30 pm: BMSBB vs Marie Philip
Please check our Athletics Calendar for all practices, game times, and locations.
Cougars RoundUp!
Girls Varsity Basketball
Tuesday, January 28th: CCA 36, BTA 18
On Senior Night the GVBB team defeated Boston Trinity Academy by the final score of 36-18. Lia P. led the scoring with 17, followed by Anne Hammond with 9 and Julia Ray with 6. The girls jumped out to an early lead and rode good defense to the win. Following the game, our fearless seniors Anne, Julia, and Isabella DeCotis were all recognized.
Wednesday, January 29th: CCA 41, ISB 14
The Girl’s Varsity traveled to Cambridge to take on International School of Boston. The girls jumped out to an early lead and allowed their defense to carry the day. Eight players scored in the contest with Julia Ray and Isabella DeCotis leading the way with 6 each followed by Bella D. and Anne Hammond with 5. Auldyn Anastasi scored her first career varsity points contributing 4 on two nice shots from the right wing.
Boys Varsity Basketball
Saturday, January 25th: CCA 57, Eagle Hill 43
This was the first game we had to play without Bennett Plosker (the leading scorer in all of the North Shore at 26.1 points per game, according to the Salem News). It was a really good win for CCA and what stood out was how intentional all the guys were when it came to finding a way to succeed. Every single player who suited up did something to help win–all 11 of them! At the top of the list was Isaac Portugal, scoring a career-high 20 points and making 10/15 free throws. As a basketball player, Isaac’s improvement and presence wasn’t difficult to identify. But just as important was his leadership. He – along with Bennett, Matt and Theo – has been a model captain, leader and mentor. Contributing to the scoreboard was Dimitrie Farcas (14 points), Matt Stuart (6 points, 10 rebounds), Theo Ostrowski (6 points, 9 rebounds) and Jacob Chewing (7 points, excellent driving and controlling the game). Getting his first start, Spencer Liu made some excellent passes while displaying his usual non-stop, next-level hustle. Shepherd Gladden, who also started for the first time, continued to establish himself as a presence all over court thanks to his athleticism, effort and fast-improving basketball skills. Jacob Williamson came off of his sick bed to offer us his usual lockdown defense. And all the guys who came up to play after that awesome JV win Friday – Nate, Zeke and Zeb – showed they belonged against a fairly sizable and athletic Eagle Hill team.
Monday, January 27th: CCA 47, BUA 45
After trailing the entire game the Cougars took the lead for good with just over a minute left, turning back the hosts final possession thanks to great defense by Dimitrie Farcas, Matt Stuart, Jacob Chewning, Issac Portugal, and Bennett Plosker. Plosker led all scorers with 17 points, keying a comeback from an eight point deficit. Also contributing offensively were Portugal and Chewning, who each had nine points apiece. With the MBIL win, the Cougars improve to 7-7 overall.
Boys JV Basketball
Friday, January 24th: CCA 57, Pingree 54
The JV boys played their best game of the year! It was a total team effort. Nate Jukanovich led the team in scoring with 16 and Zeke Belote had 11.
Boys Middle School Basketball
Tuesday, January 28th: CCA 21, NSCS 41
The boys had an up and down physical battle against a team with three six footers. The boys showed a lot of grit and played well until the end.
Girls Middle School Basketball
Tuesday, January 28th: CCA 36, NSCS 4
The GMSBB team played a great game against NSCS. CCA jumped out to an early lead and never looked back. They played strong defense and had their highest scoring game of the season. Great work!
Team Tyler Merch Available for Purchase
Monday, February 3rd–Thursday, February 6th
Team Tyler merchandise will be available for purchase next week in the lunchroom for USLR students and faculty or by email order for Grammar School students. Cash or Venmo will be accepted. All proceeds from the merchandise will be donated to the foundation set up in his name, Tyler’s Lion Heart.
Contact Erica Santos with any questions or to place an order: erica.santos@ccamail.org.
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Merch Available T-shirt (Adult & Youth sizes): $20 Hoodie (Adult sizes only): $35 Sticker: $5 Wristband: $4 Pin: $5 |
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Student Makers Market:Monday, April 14th | 3:30-5:30 pm | Small Gym
Calling all crafty, artsy students! CCA will be hosting its first ever Student Makers Market! The Market will take place on Monday, April 14th from 3:30-5:30 pm in the small gym. Any students in PreK–Grade 12 can participate. If your child/children would like to participate in this market by selling handmade items that they have created, please fill out this form Student Makers Market Participation Form. Please contact Grammar School teacher Amy Prichard with any questions: amy.prichard@ccamail.org. |
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Bling Fling – Free Prom Dress EventSaturday, March 15th, 9:00 am–6:00 pm | Sunday, March 16th, 12:00–3:00 pm | Glen T. MacLeod Cape Ann YMCA, Gloucester
Looking for a prom dress but don’t want to “break the bank”? Come and check out the Bling Fling! This event offers free formal dresses to girls attending formal events. There will be more than 200 dresses, many with the tags still on–all colors, styles, lengths, and sizes. Shoes, purses, and jewelry will also be available. The event will be held at the Glen T. MacLeod Cape Ann YMCA on Saturday, March 15th from 9:00 am–6:00 pm and Sunday, March 16th from 12:00–3:00 pm. Please contact Grammar School teacher Amy Prichard with any questions: amy.prichard@ccamail.org. |
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Sarah Smith, Grammar School Reading & Academic Support Specialist
What is your role at Covenant and how long have you worked here? The Reading & Academic Support Specialist for Grammar School and I’ve worked here for three years.
What has been your biggest learning experience here so far? I come from teaching in the public school so recognizing that I can freely talk about God and relate things back to Him took some getting used to! Also, switching from being a classroom teacher to a specialist.
What’s your favorite thing about working at Covenant? I love working with everyone on staff. When the summer starts I get a little sad and miss everyone. And I love seeing my kids at work.
Can you share a Bible verse or passage that has had a significant impact on your life or career? Isaiah 40:31 “But they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength . They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint. We had this verse at our wedding.”
What do you enjoy doing outside of work? I love running outside with friends and going on vacation with my family.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? I have always wanted to go to Fiji. It looks so pure and untouched and the lifestyle is intriguing to me.
Describe one way you see God’s hand in Covenant’s mission or work. I see my kids thriving in every way. They have no anxiety about going to school and have grown academically and spiritually in ways I never thought possible.
What’s your favorite food? I love dips and sauces.
Who on the team inspires you the most, and why? Andrea Bergstrom- I have never had a boss like her. She is so knowledgeable and supportive it makes work so much easier and fun.
What’s a fun fact about you that most people don’t know? My brother-in-law is in a band with Kevin Bacon- The Bacon Brothers, and we get to see them and hang out with them occasionally.
What’s your favorite CCA tradition or event? The staff Christmas Yankee Swap or the Christmas Concerts.
What’s your favorite book, movie, or hobby? I love reading memoirs.
How do you find balance between your faith, family, and work commitments? We combined them into one as much as possible. We all go to CCA for work or school!
Is there anything else you’d like the community to know about you? We found CCA when our oldest was 5 and toured the school, but did not make the switch until he was entering 5th grade. We followed the school closely (even moving somewhere where we knew the school would still be close) and waited for God’s timing. |
Have questions? We welcome you to email our Administrative Team using the links below.
David Anastasi, Head of School
Andrea Bergstrom, Grammar School Principal
Lisa Coleman, Director of Fine Arts & Grammar School Assistant Principal
Matthew Offner, Upper School of Logic & Rhetoric Principal
Tracy Bennett, Upper School of Logic & Rhetoric Dean of Academics
Caleb Ingersoll, Upper School of Logic & Rhetoric Dean of Students
Rita Detwiler, Business Manager
Jason Lawrenz, Athletic Director & Chaplain; John Sievens, Assistant Athletic Director
Ryan Patrie, Director of Admissions; Sydney Sweeney, Admissions Assistant
Jessica Rossotti, Chief Finance and Operating Officer
Erin Sheppard, Director of Marketing & Communications
Nicole Williams, Chief Advancement Officer
Joshua Ulrich, Director of Campus Safety
Sharon Covell, Main Office Manager; Sydney Sweeney, Main Officer Manager
Tricia Curtis, Registrar & USLR Administrative Assistant
Bob Mulvey, Director of Facilities; Franny Morales, Facilities Assistant
Challenging Minds in the Classical Tradition
Discovering Talents in Every Student
Building Relationships in a Supportive Community
Rooted in Christian Faith