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Covenant Christian Academy Business Hours:

Monday–Friday, 7:30 am–5:30 pm




The Official School Calendar can be found on our website. To automatically have school events added to your personal online calendar, click the green “Subscribe” button at the bottom of the page! Check back weekly for date change notifications.



Friday, February 7th:

All-School Wear Red Day for Tyler Simoes

Guardians of the Galaxy Movie Night, Small Gym, 7:00 pm


Saturday, February 8th:

GS SnowBall Father/Daughter Dance, PAAC, 6:00 pm

RS Semi-Formal, 7 Mile Church, Melrose, 6:30 pm


Monday, February 10th:

Online Re-enrollment begins


Wednesday, February 12th: 

100th Day Drive Donations Due


Thursday, February 13th:

GS Red, White, and Pink Dress-Down Day


Friday, February 14th:

NO SCHOOL–Professional Day




Monday, February 17th–Friday, February 21st:

NO SCHOOL–February Break


Monday, February 24th:

Deadline for Seussical Program Book Ad Reservations

Re-Enrollment closes–contracts and deposits due


Friday, February 28th:

Deadline for Silent Auction and Themed Raffle Basket donations


Monday, March 3rd:

All-school chapel, PAAC, 8:15 am

Junior Parent College Admission Night


Please click here to print the most recent 2024–25 School Year Calendar.  





Upcoming: Re-Enrollment for the 2025-26 School Year

Opens: Monday, February 10th


Re-Enrollment for all current students opens on Monday, February 10thRe-Enrollment will be completed through Veracross, which will be replacing FACTS as our school information system for the 2025-26 school year*. Please read the email from Tricia Curtis sent on Monday, February 3rd for more detailed information including a quick video tutorial on using our new system. Re-Enrollment contracts and deposits are due February 24th. A late fee will be charged for enrollments after the deadline, and seats for the 2025-26 school year will not be guaranteed for late enrollments. 


Lookout for an email with your Veracross Account information on Monday, February 10th. 


Here are some important dates to remember:

February 10th: Re-Enrollment opens

February 24th: Re-Enrollment closes–contracts and deposits due

March 4th: New student admission offers sent


*FACTS will still be used for the remainder of the 24-25 school year (with the exception of re-enrollment). 



CCA’s Annual 100th Day of School Service Project

Donations due: Wednesday, February 12th           

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.” ~ Matthew 25:35


Our Covenant Cares food drive to benefit Citizens Inn/Haven from Hunger is off to a great start!  First grade is the first class to reach the goal of at least 100 items collected! Our collection will continue through Wednesday, February 12th. Thank you for helping to be the hands & feet of Jesus as we support local families who are in need of food.


As of Wednesday, February 5th, our food drive collection totals are:

Prek/preschool: 44 boxes of ziplock bags & plastic wrap

Kindergarten: 18 boxes of aluminum foil

1st grade: 197 cans/pouches of tuna or chicken

2nd grade: 89 dried spices

3rd grade: 37 packages of sugar

4th grade: 21 bottles of cooking oil

5th grade:  62 packages of salt

6th grade: 51 bottles of salad dressing

7th grade: 9 boxes of kids snacks

8th grade: 13 cupcake liners & birthday candles

9th grade: 32 cans of frosting

10th grade: 8 boxes of cake mix

11th grade: 12 boxes of cereal

12th grade: 19 bottles of syrup



Please refer to this flyer to discover how your child’s class/grade can participate in the effort in honor of our 100th Day of School. We invite you to help your classrooms achieve the possible goal of collecting 100 designated items to help others in need. 


Please bring your contributions to any of the drop locations (PreK/K entrance, PAAC connector hallway, or USLR entrance) by  February 12th.


USLR students will receive House points for most items collected! 


All-School Wear Red Day

In Honor of Tyler Simoes’ Birthday (2/8)

Friday, February 7th


The whole school is invited to wear red on Friday, February 7th to honor Tyler Simoes’ birthday (2/8). Tyler was a bright light to all who knew him and his favorite color was red. While he is no longer here with us to celebrate this day, we will continue to keep his memory alive. Special thanks to his friends in the eighth-grade class for always thinking of ways we can honor and remember Tyler. 


Guardians of the Galaxy Movie Night

Friday, February 7th | 7:00 pm | Small Gym


The eighth-grade class invites you to join them in the Small Gym on Friday, February 7th to watch one of our beloved friend Tyler’s favorite movies together. A $5 donation is suggested. Concessions will be available for purchase. All proceeds will support the Jade A. Williamson and Tyler Luiz Simoes Memorial Scholarship Fund


International Festival


Special thanks to our Global Community Council Student Prefect, Davi Silva, for organizing another successful International Festival and to all who participated and attended last Friday night. 





2025 Covenant Virtual Silent Auction and Themed Basket Raffle:
Can You Help? 

Donations requested by Friday, February 28th


Would you consider donating a good, service, or gift card to our virtual silent auction and themed basket raffle? We would be so grateful for your generous contribution whether an item, an experience, or a gift certificate!


Here are just a few ideas of items that could make a great addition:

  • Gift certificates to local businesses or restaurants
  • Spa, fitness, or wellness services
  • Tickets to concerts, events, or attractions
  • Unique experiences or adventures
  • Art, jewelry, or handmade crafts
  • Vacation packages or getaways
  • Sports memorabilia or equipment

If you would like to preview or donate items requested for the themed basket raffle, CLICK HERE. For questions concerning the basket raffle, contact Ashley Anastasi at


Items will be displayed for preview Monday, March 10th–Monday, March 17th in select locations throughout the school, and on our social media channels, school website, and virtual bidding platform for sharing with friends and family near and far. 


Bidding and raffle ticket purchases will open on Monday, March 17th, and close on Friday, March 21st. All auction and raffle proceeds will support our 2024-2025 Covenant Fund.


If you have any questions or would like to donate a silent auction item, please contact Nicole Wise Williams, Chief Advancement Officer at


Please deliver all donations by Friday, February 28th


Thank you so much for considering this opportunity to support CCA’s mission to build students’ academic, spiritual, and social foundations for lives of leadership and service in today’s global community!




REMINDERS: When should I keep my student home from school?

It has been a challenging winter season regarding sickness, as many of you are likely well aware. Over the past few weeks, we have seen individuals diagnosed with a wide variety of illnesses. We try our very best to promote health within our CCA community, but the support of parents and students is vital in this endeavor. Please carefully review the following policies and guidelines before sending your student to school each day:

  1. Students with a fever of 100.0 F or greater must remain home from school.  (Please do not medicate your child for fever in the morning and send them to school!) They may not return until they are fever-free for a full 24 hours, without the use of fever reducing medications.  
  2. Students with vomiting or diarrhea need to stay home until they are without symptoms for a full 24 hours.
  3. Students need to stay home if they have red or pink eyes with crusty and/or yellow/green eye drainage.  If their doctor prescribes antibiotics for conjunctivitis, they will need to be on treatment for at least 24 hours and have improving symptoms prior to returning to school.
  4. Students diagnosed with strep throat must complete at least 24 hours of antibiotic treatment and have improving symptoms prior to returning to school.
  5. Students with severe cold symptoms (e.g. uncontrollable cough, copious nasal drainage, extreme fatigue, etc.) need to stay home from school, even in the absence of a fever, until they demonstrate improvement of symptoms. If your child appears sick and is not acting in their full capacity, please keep them home until symptoms improve and they are feeling better.
  6. Remember that students who are absent from school or sent home early due to illness may not participate in after school activities, rehearsals, athletics, etc.
  7. Any positive test or physician-diagnosed infectious disease (e.g. COVID, flu, strep throat, conjunctivitis, etc.) should be reported to the school nurse

If you have any questions, feel free to contact school nurse (Christen Ashley, RN) at, or consult your health care provider. Thank you for your partnership as we strive for a healthy community.




SnowBall Dance

Saturday, February 8th | 6:00 pm | PAAC


The annual Father-Daughter SnowBall Dance for all of the Grammar School girls and their distinguished gentlemen guests is this Saturday! This beloved and highly anticipated event is such a great way for our girls and their guests to enjoy a sweet time of fellowship and fun.


If you haven’t already done so, click here to register. (Registration closes by end of day today.) 


Please click here to review/confirm your volunteer commitment. 


Red, White, and Pink Day

Thursday, February 13th


Students are invited to dress in Valentine colors and accessories on Thursday, February 13th. Pajamas and casual clothes are permitted as long as they are appropriate! Regular uniforms or spirit wear can be worn for those who do not wish to participate. 


Multiplication Mania Workshop is Coming!

For Grades 2-5 (see below for session dates)

Monday through Friday | 3:05-4:15pm  

$200 for the full two weeks

Each session includes a short snack break!


Are you eager to give your child a jumpstart in math? Sharpen their understanding of multiplication concepts and facts in a supportive, energetic setting! Participants will jump into a host of fun projects that incorporate artistic design, musical strategies, kinesthetic exercises and a variety of activities designed to strengthen your child’s fluency with multiplication facts. The workshop also comes complete with daily practice objectives to solidify the skills we learn during each session. Click here for more information.

For questions, please email Brooke Baker at

Note: A minimum number of 5 participants is needed in order to run each session, so gather a few friends and sign up today!


Session 1: Grades 4 & 5 – We will focus on fact mastery and fluency (speed and accuracy) as well as reinforcement of the multiplication and division algorithms.

February 24-March 7th: Sign up here


Session 2: Grades 2 & 3 – We will focus on introductory multiplication concepts and basic facts to support students’ skill development and to provide a foundation they can continue building on in the classroom.

March 31-April 11th: Sign up here





Rhetoric School Semi-Formal!

Saturday, February 8th | 6:30–9:30 pm | 7 Mile Road Church, 84 Green Street, Melrose


The RS Semi-Formal is this Saturday, February 8th, from 6:30–9:30 pm! Students in grades 9–12 are invited to enjoy a delicious dinner, capture moments with a professional photographer, and dance the night away with friends.


Dress code: Semi-formal attire required.
Tickets: $40.

Registration details: check your email from Mr. Ingersoll


Exploring The Raven: 7th Graders Illustrate Poe’s Mood and Setting

Mrs. Russell’s seventh-grade classes wrapped up their study of Poe’s famous poem, The Raven, by illustrating the setting and communicating the mood of the poem with words and colors. They worked in small groups, and had the opportunity to analyze all the posters made in a subsequent class.




Click here to read more about the Classical Roots program and to subscribe to the Substack.


Classical Roots Weekly Blog: February Garden Advice 


Click here to read this week’s blog post, February Garden Advice, and to subscribe to the Classical Roots Substack. Download the Substack app to be able to comment and ask questions. Help us spread the word by sharing this link with your friends. 


If you are interested in learning more about this program or getting involved, please contact Alex Miller at



Opportunities to Sponsor the Spring 2025 Production of  “Seussical” 

On March 20th–22nd students in grades 7–12 will be performing one of the most performed shows in America, Seussical! With more than 50 students in the cast and crew, Seussical will be performed in our Performing Arts and Athletic Center, which will be transformed into the world of the Whos and Jungle Creatures.


We are offering sponsorship opportunities for local businesses, organizations, and events that are interested in reaching families with school-aged children throughout the North Shore of Boston and Eastern Massachusetts. The production will feature a live pit orchestra, professional grade costuming, extensive staging, professional lighting and sound engineering. Would you consider supporting this musical production by purchasing ad space in the program book? The program will be distributed to all audiences during the four performances, reaching an estimated 600+ people. 


Click here for more information. 



Upcoming Seussical rehearsals:

Friday, February 7th – Blocking/Choreography for Scenes 3-5

Monday, February 10th – Music Rehearsal for Scenes 11-17

Tuesday, February 11th – Blocking/Choreography for Scene 17

Wednesday, February 12th – Blocking/Choreography for Scene 15

Thursday, February 13th – Blocking/Choreography for Scenes 9-11






Spring 2025 Clinics

Covenant Athletics will be offering three separate spring clinics (soccer, basketball, and volleyball) for students in grades 3–7. 

See the flyer below for more details. Spaces are limited and registration closes on February 14th. Contact Athletic Director Jason Lawrenz with any questions:


Soccer clinic registration link  |  Basketball clinic registration link  |  Volleyball clinic registration link



Playoff Games This Week:

The regular season has come to an end for Varsity basketball and we’re moving onto the playoffs. The boys will be playing on Monday (time TBD) at Boston University Academy in the quarterfinal match of the Massachusetts Boys Independent League. The girls will also play on Monday at 4:00 pm at Landmark School for the quarterfinal match of the Independent Girls League. Please check the Athletics Calendar for the most up to date game information. 


The Middle School teams finish up their season next week. The boys will be playing at home on Wednesday, February 12th at 3:30 pm against Tower School. Come by the PAAC and cheer them on! 



Cougars RoundUp! 
Girls Varsity Basketball

The CCA Girls Varsity Basketball team faced a challenging stretch of games over the past week. Despite the tough losses, the Lady Cougars continue to fight hard and remain focused as they advance to the playoffs next week.


Friday, January 31st: CCA 29, CHCH 38
The Lady Cougars played a competitive game against Chapel Hill Chauncey Hall on Friday afternoon, falling 38-29. It was a tight contest, with CCA trailing by just three points with just over three minutes left. However, a critical three-pointer from CHCH extended their lead. Despite six clean three-point attempts in the final two minutes, CCA couldn’t convert, and CHCH pulled away. Senior Anne Hammond led the team with 9 points, followed by eighth-grader Bella D. with 7.


Monday, February 3rd: CCA 24, Montrose 50
On Monday, CCA faced Montrose and lost 50-24. The team moved the ball well but struggled to finish around the basket, missing out on several scoring opportunities. Eighth-grader Lia P. led the way with 7 points, while senior Anne Hammond added 6.


Wednesday, February 5th: CCA 11, Brimmer 76
In their toughest contest of the week, CCA was overwhelmed by a dominant Brimmer and May team, losing 76-11. Senior Anne Hammond was the top scorer for the Lady Cougars with 5 points in this tough outing.


Boys Varsity Basketball

Tuesday, February 4th: CCA 59, ISB 39

All four seniors for the Cougars stepped up big on Senior Night in Peabody, with senior guard Bennett Plosker leading the way with 16 points, while senior forwards Theo Ostrowski (8 points, 5 rebounds), Isaac Portugal (5 rebounds) and Matt Stuart (5 points, 11 rebounds) all played big roles in moving CCA to 8-9. Others helping Covenant cruise in its last regular season home game were freshman guard Jacob Chewning (10 points) and junior forward Shepherd Gladden (10 rebounds).


Wednesday, February 5th: CCA 47, Brimmer 46

The boys Varsity Basketball team ended the season with a 47-46 win against Brimmer and May. Senior Bennett Plosker scored the game-winning free throw with five seconds left in the game. The boys finish the season 9-9 and advance to the MBIL quarterfinals on Monday at Boston University Academy (time to be determined). Let’s go, Cougars! 


Boys JV Basketball

Thursday, January 30th: CCA 25, CSW 50

The boys JV squad played a strong first half with great ball movement and defense, ending the half in the lead over Cambridge School of Weston. Eighth-grader Connor C. hit two 3-pointers, while freshman Arman Gahunia, junior Zeke Belote, and eighth-grader Zeb B. drove to the basket, drawing fouls and creating opportunities. The second half proved more challenging, with some execution issues and the absence of key players—one dealing with a leg injury, and another sitting out due to 4 fouls. Despite the setbacks, the Cougars never gave up and continued to give maximum effort. The boys have made significant progress this season. While facing both highs and lows, they remain resilient, giving credit to God and continuing to work hard.


Wednesday, February 5th: CCA 50, Brimmer 30

Final Standings for JV:  7 Wins, 4 Losses, 2 well-deserved post-game meals at Chick-fil-A 
This was an excellent year for the boys JV team, capped off with a nice 20-point victory on the road against Brimmer and May.
The boys started the game out rusty and it showed on the court despite being ahead 22-18 going into halftime. Coach Quail advised the team to forget the first half and go out and play the right way. The boys did just that and cruised to a nice 20-point win while allowing all the guys to have time to play in their final game. Freshman Nate Jukanovich led the Cougars in scoring with 17 points and numerous steals. Eighth-grader Connor C. helped finish off the game by displaying a variety of moves totaling 12 points. Freshman Arman Gahunia was his usual aggressive self and added 8 key points. Freshman Collin R. scored 8 points in the second half, finishing with a nice turnaround jumper down low. Freshman Kaden Lewis played some of the best and hardest defense this year. Junior Zeke Belote had the best drive to the hoop of the day to draw a foul and played strong defense, logging several steals. Eighth-grader Zeb B. logged two points and played his usual high-energy-bouncy defense, which caused a lot of turnovers for Brimmer. Freshman Sammy Worthington got some good playing time making solid passes on offense and taking a few good shots. Freshman Braylan Ford brought his normal high level of determination and energy, playing strong wing defenses. Freshman Elliot Smith got a good run of minutes in the 2nd half and had several good shot attempts that almost went in. Sophomore Sam Batten played a strong game as backup center, aggressively blocking shots and getting rebounds. 

Congrats to all the boys on a great season. They grew significantly as a team and had notable on-court success, but most of all, they honored God with their play and sportsmanship all season long. 


Girls Middle School Basketball

Thursday, January 30th: CCA 25, GUS 19

The GMSBB team played a great all around game to beat Glen Urquhart School, demonstrating how much they have improved since losing to GUS in the first game of the season. The entire team did an excellent job working together on the offensive and defensive ends of the floor. Eighth-grader Isabella P. scored 12 points in one of her best games of the season.


Tuesday, February 4th: CCA 4, Shore 26

The team lost a tough matchup against an experienced Shore Country Day School team. The girls did a great job after halftime, holding Shore to only 6 points in the second half, by executing a new defensive strategy that they had never practiced.


Boys Middle School Basketball

Thursday, January 30th: CCA 36, GUS 29

The MS boys had a great win against the team they first played and lost to. They showed great defensive improvement and worked hard to pass the ball. It was an even scoring output, with three different boys scoring 7 points.


Tuesday, February 4th: CCA 22, Shore 43

The MS Boys traveled to Beverly to face Shore Country Day School. Once again the Cougars were at a size disadvantage. After a lackluster first quarter falling behind 18 to 2, the boys responded with a great effort on defense holding Shore to 25 points over the final three quarters and woke up offensively scoring 20 points. Coach Best was proud of the way they responded, not giving up and packing it in. Defensively they responded in the final three quarters with scrappy play, causing numerous turnovers, hustling back on defense and diving for lose balls. Offensively they moved the ball well and scored on some beautiful open looks. The Cougars were led in scoring by eighth-graders Trace P. and Judah L. Finally Coach Best was proud of the support that was given by the players who were not in the game.





Student Makers Market:

Monday, April 14th | 3:30-5:30 pm | Small Gym


Calling all crafty, artsy students!  CCA will be hosting its first ever Student Makers Market! The Market will take place on Monday, April 14th from 3:30-5:30 pm in the small gym. Any students in PreK–Grade 12 can participate. If your child/children would like to participate in this market by selling handmade items that they have created, please fill out this form Student Makers Market Participation Form. Please contact Grammar School teacher Amy Prichard with any questions:


Bling Fling – Free Prom Dress Event

Saturday, March 15th, 9:00 am–6:00 pm | Sunday, March 16th, 12:00–3:00 pm | Glen T. MacLeod Cape Ann YMCA, Gloucester


Looking for a prom dress but don’t want to “break the bank”?  Come and check out the Bling Fling! This event offers free formal dresses to girls attending formal events. There will be more than 200 dresses, many with the tags still on–all colors, styles, lengths, and sizes. Shoes, purses, and jewelry will also be available. The event will be held at the Glen T. MacLeod Cape Ann YMCA on Saturday, March 15th from 9:00 am–6:00 pm and Sunday, March 16th from 12:00–3:00 pm. Please contact Grammar School teacher Amy Prichard with any questions:


Looking for an exciting, active, and screen-free way for your child to spend February vacation?
We’ve got you covered!


Former CCA parent Amy Brackman would like to share this local program with the Covenant community. The Fit House in Danvers is running a February Vacation program and they are offering early registration savings and an extra 20% discount to the CCA community. 

🔥 February Vacation Kids Program – Explosive Fun for Everyone!

🔥 SAVE $20 NOW Early Registration  

🎶 Music, Movement & High-Energy Fun 

🤸‍♂️ Mini Trampolines for Endless Bouncing 

🔥 Boston Jumps for an Extra Challenge 

🏆 Exciting Games & Friendly Competitions 

📵 No Devices – Just Active Play & Smiles! 


💡 Did You Know?

Rebounding is one of the BEST exercises for kids (and adults)! It can:

✅ Strengthen muscles & improve coordination 

✅ Boost cardiovascular health 

✅ Increase endorphins & dopamine—instant mood boosters help to fight stress, anxiety & depression 

✅ Keep kids happy, healthy & energized!


Secure your child’s spot today and let them bounce into the best February vacation ever!

📍Visit to register now! 

Use the code: CCASAVE to receive an extra 20 % off. 

🍕Prices include Rental Boots, Pizza & Snacks

Half day $69 ($89 price goes up 2/12)

Full day $129 ($159 price goes up 2/12) 




Alex Miller, USLR Faculty and Classical Roots Program Steward


What is your role at Covenant and how long have you worked here? I’ve been on the USLR faculty here for fourteen years. I’ve taught all of our English and Rhetoric courses here at one time or another, and I helped start the Classical Roots Program, which I now also supervise.


What has been your biggest learning experience here so far? When I first started here, we had no English curriculums–and I had no experience as a teacher. Writing the first versions of our English courses was a daunting task. Almost as daunting as learning how to deal with teenagers.


What’s your favorite thing about working at Covenant? Watching students fall in love with Beowulf, or vegetable gardening, or Vermeer, or some other thing that they discovered here. At our best, teachers are just getting out of the way of something so a student can learn to love it for themselves.


Can you share a Bible verse or passage that has had a significant impact on your life or career? “Not many of you should become teachers.” – James 3:6


What do you enjoy doing outside of work? Writing, gardening, hiking, reading, and eating food I can’t afford.


If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? I’d start in Edinburgh, then go to Glasgow and take the West Highland Railway to Mallaig and then on to Sky to bag a few munros. It’s a trip I’ve taken before and it’s very close to my heart. Plus you get to go across that arched rail bridge from Harry Potter!


Describe one way you see God’s hand in Covenant’s mission or work. Covenant manages to celebrate and cultivate orthodox Christian thought without being politically or denominational one-sided. That’s a very difficult line to walk, and it makes everyone unhappy at one time or another, but that’s the sign of a good compromise. And it’s a very valuable thing for a Christian school to do.


What’s your favorite food? Oysters. Wellfleets, if I can get them.


Who on the team inspires you the most, and why? I’m very inspired by Radar: he never complains.


What’s a fun fact about you that most people don’t know? I’m the only boy in a family of five sisters. Even the cat was a girl.


What’s your favorite CCA tradition or event? It’s only happened once, and this is tooting my own horn a bit, but I very much enjoyed our homecoming Night of Fire.


What’s your favorite book, movie, or hobby? I try to read The Lord of the Rings at least once a year. It gets deeper the more I read it. I also love the book North by Seamus Heaney. It pulls off the rare trick of being brutal and beautiful at the same time.


How do you find balance between your faith, family, and work commitments? I’m not certain that I have. Living near Boston with young kids and a mortgage means that some of the spinning plates are going to break from time to time. But my family has developed a good tradition of starting off every day by talking about what we’re thankful for and what we want God’s help with. It doesn’t take long, but focuses me in the right direction.


Is there anything else you’d like the community to know about you? I edit an online magazine called The Enthusiast and write a weekly newsletter about the Classical Roots Program. I’d love for people to check those things out.




Have questions? We welcome you to email our Administrative Team using the links below.


David Anastasi, Head of School

Andrea Bergstrom, Grammar School Principal

Lisa Coleman, Director of Fine Arts & Grammar School Assistant Principal

Matthew Offner, Upper School of Logic & Rhetoric Principal

Tracy Bennett, Upper School of Logic & Rhetoric Dean of Academics

Caleb Ingersoll, Upper School of Logic & Rhetoric Dean of Students

Rita Detwiler, Business Manager

Jason Lawrenz, Athletic Director & Chaplain; John Sievens, Assistant Athletic Director

Ryan Patrie, Director of Admissions; Sydney Sweeney, Admissions Assistant

Jessica Rossotti, Chief Finance and Operating Officer

Erin Sheppard, Director of Marketing & Communications

Nicole Williams, Chief Advancement Officer

Joshua Ulrich, Director of Campus Safety

Sharon Covell, Main Office Manager; Sydney Sweeney, Main Officer Manager

Tricia Curtis, Registrar & USLR Administrative Assistant

Bob Mulvey, Director of Facilities; Franny Morales, Facilities Assistant


Challenging Minds in the Classical Tradition

Discovering Talents in Every Student

Building Relationships in a Supportive Community

Rooted in Christian Faith