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Covenant Christian Academy Business Hours:
Beginning after Labor Day
Monday–Friday, 7:30 am–5:30 pm
The Official School Calendar can be found on our website. To automatically have school events added to your personal online calendar, click the green “Subscribe” button at the bottom of the page! Check back weekly for date change notifications.
Tuesday, September 3rd
USLR First Day of School, 8:00–11:45 am
Wednesday, September 4th:
Grammar School First Day of School, 8:15 am–2:55 pm
All School Chapel, 8:15 am
Welcome Back Parent Coffee, 9:00 am
Friday, September 13th:
New Parent Coffee, 8:15 am
Tuesday, September 17th:
USLR Parents Back-to-School Night, 6:30 pm
Thursday, September 19th:
Grammar School Parents Back-to-School Night, 6:00 pm
Wednesday, September 25th:
All School Picture Day
2024-25 School Year One page calendar.
We’re excited to welcome our students back to Covenant next week! Find everything you’ll need to start this school year strong on our Back-to-School webpage.
A Note From the Head of School
Thank you to all the parents who responded to our Parent Survey in the spring. We received a remarkable 144 replies out of 179 families with the responses being overwhelmingly positive. We’re grateful for all of your feedback and will use the survey results to inform decisions as we seek to better serve our students and our families.
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Opening Day Chapel & Welcome Back Parent CoffeeWednesday, September 4th | 8:15–8:45 am | PAAC
We are excited to welcome back our CCA community! Please join us for our Opening Day chapel on Wednesday, September 4th from 8:15–8:45 am in the PAAC. Chapel will be followed by a time of fellowship and light refreshments in the PAAC Courtyard hosted by the Parent Connection.
Students in grades 1-12 will enjoy the opening day Chapel service. Parents of PK 3/5 day students will be attending orientation during this time, but will have future fellowship opportunities.
Hope to see you all there! |
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Parents in PrayerWednesday, September 11th | 8:15 am | CCA Cafeteria
Parents in Prayer is a fellowship co-led by CCA parents Hanna Machatha (mom to 4th- grader Andrew and 2nd-grader Ariana) and Valencia Koomson (mom to 3rd-grader Michelle and 1st-grader Justin) and is open to all CCA parents. We gather the first Wednesday of the month in the faculty/staff lounge following morning drop-off to pray for our students, faculty and staff, administrative leadership of the school and board, parents, and specific prayer needs as they arise.
You are welcome to join us!
Our first prayer meeting for this school year is Wednesday, September 11th, at 8:15 am. Please reach out to Hanna or Valencia with any questions at parentsinprayer@ccamail.org. |
Campus Cuisine: School Lunch Program
Campus Cuisine is an outfit that coordinates with local restaurants to deliver meals to a school. We are excited to once again be partnering with them for a lunch program two days per week this school year. Ordering, payment, and other details are handled through them. In the coming days we will communicate further details of the program with the link to set up and pay for your orders.
This effort would not be possible without generous parent volunteers, led by Sarah Ross, who we depend on to help distribute the meals. We’re looking for five volunteers committed to serving at CCA from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm on Wednesdays and Fridays. If you have the capacity and willingness to serve, please reach out to Jessica Rossotti jessica.rossotti@ccamail.org.
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Upper School History Teacher
Are you a history buff with a knack for making the past come alive? We’re searching for a dynamic History teacher who can inspire our USLR students with engaging lessons and a love for learning about the world. If you’re able to ignite curiosity and foster critical thinking in young minds, this might be the role for you!
Interested? Know someone who would be perfect for this role? Spread the word and let’s find the best talent to continue making CCA an exceptional place to learn and grow.
At Covenant Christian Academy, we’re committed to nurturing academic excellence and character development in a supportive Christian environment. We’d love to welcome you to our family and be a part of something special.
To apply or learn more about this position, click here. |
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The Anxious GenerationWe hope many of you joined us in our community reading of The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt. As a school we are committed to providing an optimum learning environment for our students and current research has made a compelling argument in favor of phone (device) free schools. We will be communicating several dates for those interested in group discussion this fall! |
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Parent ProTechLast spring we provided you with an opportunity to become more fully educated on the technology that has become such an influential part of most students’ lives through our partnership with Parent ProTech. The Parent ProTech platform and newsletter are now available to all CCA parents. Those who would like to take advantage of this outstanding resource can do so by registering using this link: Parent ProTech Registration.
In addition you can view the Parent ProTech introductory video from last spring by clicking here.
Save the Date: On Thursday evening, October 3rd at 7:00 pm, Parent ProTech professionals will present a workshop for parents on safe technology use for children and adolescents onsite at CCA! Please mark your calendars and save the date for this informative and education presentation. |
Click here to read more about the Classical Roots program and to subscribe to the Substack.
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Classical Roots Weekly Blog: The Peach Harvest
Click here to read this week’s blog post, The Peach Harvest, and to subscribe to the Taproots Substack. Download the Substack app to be able to comment and ask questions. Help us spread the word by sharing this link with your friends.
If you are interested in learning more about this program or getting involved, please contact Alex Miller at alex.miller@ccamail.org. |
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Important Reminder from the School Health Office
Thank you to those who have already updated student health records in Magnus Health. If you have not yet logged into your Magnus Health account to complete your student’s “To Do” items, please do so ASAP as it is now OVERDUE! This is required for both new and returning students. Refer to the email sent by the school nurse back in July for additional details.
To access your Magnus Health Account:
Questions or Problems? If you are having difficulty navigating the Magnus system, entering data online, or downloading the hardcopy coversheets and forms, or if you have any other questions, please contact customer support at Magnus Health SMR by phone at 919-502-7689 or by email at service@magnushealthportal.com. For any additional questions, please contact school.nurse@ccamail.org. |
First Week of School Schedule
Wednesday, September 4th:
First Day of School, 8:10 am-2:55 pm
PreK 3- and 5-day Orientations*, 8:15–10:00 am
Opening Day Chapel, 8:15 am
Welcome Back Parent Coffee, 9:00 am
Thursday, September 5th:
PreSchool 2-Day Orientation*, 8:15–10:00 am
*Pre-School and Pre-Kindergarten students will begin the year with a parent/student orientation session on their first day of school. Students AND parents should arrive at 8:15 am and enjoy an orientation that will end at approximately 10:00 am. Students will then leave with parents and return on their next respective school day for their first full, independent day of school.
For more information, please contact Mrs. Bergstrom (andrea.bergstrom@ccamail.org).
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Grammar School Field Trip T-shirtsGrammar School students wear a special bright yellow T-shirt on all field trips to visibly designate the group, allowing chaperones to identify Covenant students quickly. Many returning students may have a Field Trip T-shirt that still fits but we are asking all students who need one to be sure and order a Field Trip shirt. We strongly suggest ordering up a size so you can get multiple years of use!
Click here for size chart and to place your order. |
Before-Care and After-Care
Our Before-Care and After-Care programs will resume this fall maintaining some important modifications.
Before-Care will be offered in the cafeteria, providing passive supervision for students in Grades K-8 starting at 7:15 am daily. We ask that this program be reserved for students requiring, not preferring, an early drop-off. GS students arriving prior to 7:50 am must be escorted by a parent to the cafeteria through the cafeteria courtyard doors. It is important for parents of young children to understand that this is a wide-ranging age group and may not be comfortable or appropriate for children requiring closer supervision. There is no charge for this program.
After-Care for students aged PK 4-year-olds (in 3- and 5-day programs only) – Grade 6 will be provided from 3:00–5:30 pm daily on a registration only basis. As has always been our policy, the program is open only to students ages 4 (by Sept. 1st) and older.
After-Care is reserved for and limited to students requiring care due to working parents, not those simply preferring a later pick-up or for socialization and convenience. Enrollment is unfortunately very limited due to staffing and space challenges, and registration is on a first come, first served basis, with priority given to faculty children which allows our faculty to serve your students after school dismissal. For more information and pricing, please click here.
To register for After-Care: After-Care Registration 2024-2025
Any questions regarding payment and After-Care tuition can be directed to our CFO, Jessica Rossotti jessica.rossotti@ccamail.org
Questions regarding Before- or After-Care can be directed to our Director of After-Care, Sage Paik sage.paik@ccamail.org
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Jump for Joy Club2nd–4th Grade Girls | Tuesdays and Thursdays | 3:10–4:10 pm $130
Join Mrs. Herwing for the Jump for Joy club, where faith and fitness will go hand in hand! This new club is dedicated to providing wholesome fun through jump roping and other retro-style games. The focus is on physical activity and friendship building, offering a safe space for students to connect, stay active, and share in prayer. The club will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning September 24th to jump, play, and enjoy the simple pleasures of movement, while creating joyful associations with exercise.
Click here to register. Questions? Please email abbagail.herwing@ccamail.org |
First Week of School Schedule
Tuesday, September 3rd: First Day of School and Early Release, 8:00–11:45 am; 7th Grade Orientation, 11:45 am–12:45 pm
Wednesday, September 4th: Full School Day, 8:00 am–2:45 pm; Opening Day Chapel, 8:15 am; Welcome Back Parent Coffee, 9:00 am
Thursday, September 5th: Full School Day, 8:00 am–2:45 pm
Friday, September 6th: Full School Day, 8:00 am–2:45 pm (with extended Community time during the last two periods)
Dress Code Policy Reminder
We appreciate parent partnership with us in managing the student dress code. Students are expected to comply with the dress code and parents are expected to monitor compliance before their children leave home. It is extremely important that we have consistency in our dress code to help contribute to a positive educational environment. Thank you in advance for your help and cooperation. We encourage you to take the time to review our dress code policy here.
Back to School Page
All summer academic work and school supply lists can be found on our Back-to-School page.
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Senior Prefect Retreat
USLR Dean of Students Caleb Ingersoll and the Senior Prefect students travelled to Gloucester for their Prefect Retreat.
The Prefect Program at Covenant is a lead-by-example model which allows seniors to lead the school in particular areas where they may assist adults and organize students to do real work for the benefit of the student body and CCA programs. In the process a prefect will develop important leadership skills learning how to motivate, organize, and hold accountable students that are assisting her or him. The goal is to develop a heart for protecting and serving others while allowing them maximum opportunity to flourish in our school community. |
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Music LessonsDon’t forget to sign up for fall music lessons! All of the information about available lesson opportunities, including the lesson registration form link and lesson handbook, can be found at the bottom of the Back-To-School portion of the website. Lessons are available as follows:
Please remember that lessons are assigned on a first-registered, first-served basis. Questions? Contact Mrs. Coleman, Director of Fine Arts, at lisa.coleman@ccamail.org. |
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Grammar School Musical, Imagine A Dragon!We are excited to announce our Grammar School Musical, Imagine A Dragon! The dragon is back in town! Well… not really. That’s the story a ragtag band of innkeepers makes up, desperate to draw questing heroes to the struggling Dancing Dragon Inn. Soon the inn is full of unexpected guests, from an army of princesses out to prove their bravery, to a group of overwhelmed heroes trying to hold onto their fame. But what happens if they all discover the innkeepers’ dragon story is made up? Could there be more than one way to save the day? Students in grades 3-6 are eligible to participate in the Grammar School Musical.
Auditions will be held on: Monday, September 9th Tuesday, September 10th Wednesday, September 11th
Register for the Musical by clicking on this link and sign up for an audition time here. The rehearsal schedule can be found here.
More information will be emailed to students in grades 3-6 soon, so be on the lookout! |
Fall athletic games begin the week of September 9th.
To view the full Fall Athletics calendar, click here.
Questions about Athletics? Contact Athletic Director, Jason Lawrenz jason.lawrenz@ccamail.org.
Kicking off the season with a splash!
The Girls Varsity Soccer team started the season off with a Brunch & Pool Party where they enjoyed a time of connecting, team building, and fun!
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Congratulations to Peter Grifoni (‘17) and Anastasia Lukens on Their August 11th Wedding!
Peter Grifoni (‘17) married Anastasia Lukens on August 11th, at Pierce Farm in Topsfield. Peter recently graduated Boston University Law and the couple reside in Cambridge. Congratulations, Peter! |
Have questions? We welcome you to email our Administrative Team using the links below.
David Anastasi, Head of School
Andrea Bergstrom, Grammar School Principal
Matthew Offner, Upper School of Logic & Rhetoric Principal
Tracy Bennett, Upper School of Logic & Rhetoric Dean of Academics
Caleb Ingersoll, Upper School of Logic & Rhetoric Dean of Students
Lisa Coleman, Director of Fine Arts & Grammar School Assistant Principal
Rita Detwiler, Business Manager
Jason Lawrenz, Athletic Director & Chaplain
Ryan Patrie, Director of Admissions
Jessica Rossotti, Chief Finance and Operating Officer
Erin Sheppard, Director of Marketing & Communications
Nicole Williams, Chief Advancement Officer
Sharon Covell, Main Office Manager
Tricia Curtis, Registrar & USLR Administrative Assistant
Joshua Ulrich, Director of Campus Safety
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Join us in welcoming CCA’s Director of Admissions, Ryan Patrie!Ryan is well-versed in admissions at Christian schools, having led admissions efforts at Lexington Christian Academy and Austin Prep and we’re excited to have him join our team. Read below to learn a little more about him and be sure to introduce yourself as you see him around campus.
What will your role be here, and what are you most excited about? Director of Admissions – working with the Admissions Interns Council and helping to introduce CCA to new students and families!
Can you tell us a bit about your background and previous experience? I have worked in faith-based, college prep schools for 15 years. Serving as an Assistant Director of Admissions, Athletic Director, and Director of Domestic Admissions during that time. I have also been very involved in athletics, having coached Boys Varsity Soccer, Girls Varsity Soccer, and Boys Varsity Lacrosse.
What drew you to join CCA? Being in a community that is centered on Christ. I believe in the eternal value of Christian education. I also appreciate the Classical education model and the Pre-K to 12th grade program.
Favorite food: Fish tacos w/ Blackened Mahi
Favorite book: Leading by Sir Alex Ferguson
Favorite Bible verse: Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
What are your hobbies or interests outside of work? Playing with my sons!
Share a fun or unique fact about yourself: I spent a semester in college doing missions work in Kampala, Uganda. I served with the World Gospel Mission and worked at an International Christian School there. I also coached the Middle School and High School Soccer teams and played in an international soccer league representing Ireland.
What are you most looking forward to this school year? Working with our great Admissions Interns! Student ambassadors do so much for our community. In addition to being a great ambassador to prospective families, they are called to be leaders and servants in our community. I am also looking forward to getting to know all of CCA’s traditions and culture.
If you were to participate in the USLR Lip Sync Battle, which song would you sing? Anything (real) country
If you were to participate in the GS Star Wars dress-down day, which character would you be? Han Solo
Is there anything you’d like to say to the community as you start your journey here? Our family is so excited to join the CCA family! Looking forward to the start of the new school year and welcoming you back soon! |
Challenging Minds in the Classical Tradition
Discovering Talents in Every Student
Building Relationships in a Supportive Community
Rooted in Christian Faith