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Covenant Christian Academy Normal Business Hours:
Monday–Friday, 7:30am–5:30pm
Important Schedule Update to The Current E-newsletter
The CCA community has grown; thus, updates and engagement opportunities have increased. Beginning in mid-January, we will send The Current on Thursday evenings to help inform and prepare the community earlier for the upcoming week, and share the outcome of weekend games and events via social media and in the following issue of The Current.
If you prefer to continue to receive The Current on Sunday, we will send a reminder email on Sunday evening to all who do not open the issue on Thursday.
The Official School Calendar can be found on our website. To automatically have school events added to your personal online calendar, click the green “Subscribe” button at the bottom of the page! Check back weekly for date change notifications.
Wednesday, January 10th–Friday, January 12th:
5th & 6th Grades to Camp Berea
Monday, January 15th:
NO SCHOOL: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Tuesday, January 16th–Friday, January 19th:
USLR Spiritual Emphasis Week
Thursday, January 18th:
StepUP to Rhetoric School, 6:00pm
Friday, January 19th:
StepUP to Logic School, 8:15am
Friday, January 26th:
CPC Open Meeting & Covenant Commentaries, 8:15am
International Festival, 6:00pm
Monday, February 5th:
Financial Aid Application deadline for 2024-2025 school year
2023-2024 School One page calendar.
School Closure Notification Procedures
While we will strive to be in school every day, in the event of inclement weather and the need to delay or close school, we will notify families by 6:30am via our Parent Alert portal in the following ways:
- Text message
- Phone call
You can also find school closures or delays on:
- Homepage of our website (covenantchristianacademy.org)
- Facebook (facebook.com/ccapeabody)
- Instagram (@ccapeabody)
- Local TV listings:
- Channel 4 (CBS)
- Channel 5 (ABC)
- Channel 7 (WHDH)
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Welcome CCA’s New Facilities ManagerPlease welcome Bob Mulvey, Covenant’s new Facility Manager! Bob comes to us with extensive property management experience and expertise. He is a former electrical contractor serving residential and commercial clients and, most recently, was an instructor at Minuteman Tech. Bob is a man of deep faith and has a wonderful servant heart. Welcome to the CCA family, Bob! |
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Save the Date for CCA’s International Festival on Friday, January 26th!We are looking forward to hosting CCA’s largest celebration of the many cultures and traditions represented within our incredible Covenant community! Join us for an evening of food, fun, and celebration in the PAAC from 6-8 pm.
The International Festival is an evening where families can represent their heritage and culture by sharing food, drinks, art, music, decorations, etc., with the CCA community. We will line the PAAC with tables from different countries and have an open house atmosphere where you can walk around to sample different food, talk with parents and students, and learn about different cultures that make up our incredible CCA community.
If you are interested in being part of a table and providing some food to share, please sign up here. If you have any questions or ideas, please contact the Global Community Council Student Prefect William at william.wei.2024@ccamail.org. |
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Covenant Wish ListCovenant appreciates any way that you can offer support through your time, talent or treasure. Click here to view a Wish List of items we could use to keep Covenant running smoothly and efficiently. If you are able to purchase or make a contribution towards purchasing an item on our list, please connect with Nicole Wise Williams at nicole.williams@ccamail.com. |
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Covenant’s Evening of GratitudePlease mark your calendars and plan to join us as we host Covenant’s Evening of Gratitude for you, our Covenant family, on Saturday, March 9, 2024 at Olio (Peabody). Entertainment for the evening will be provided by the Lisa Love Experience.
Planning is underway, so stay tuned for more details in the next Current.
Questions regarding the Evening of Gratitude can be directed to Nicole Wise Williams, Chief Advancement Officer, at nicole.williams@ccamail.org. |
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Discover CovenantTuesday, January 23rd | 6:00-8:00pm CCA has an Admissions Open House Event coming up on Tuesday, January 23rd at 6pm. If you know of any families looking for more info about what CCA has to offer, please share this event with them. It’s a great opportunity for new families to check out our campus and hear about all aspects of Covenant!
Contact michelle.perrotta@ccamail.org for more info, or click here. |
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StepUP to Rhetoric SchoolThursday, January 18th | 6:00-7:30pm Current 8th students and their parents who are looking ahead to Rhetoric School–join us for an informative evening designed specifically for YOU! Enjoy a presentation of our Rhetoric School program by faculty and staff. Hear all about our curriculum and our special programs; art and drama opportunities, our club system, music, enrichment trips, expanded athletic opportunities, college guidance and more! Meet our outstanding teachers and have some unstructured time to speak with them.
See email sent on December 13th for more information. |
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StepUP to Logic SchoolFriday, January 19th | 8:15-9:15am Parents of current 5th and 6th grade students who are looking ahead to Logic School (grades 7-8) – join us for an informative morning designed specifically for YOU! Enjoy a presentation of our Logic School program by administrators, faculty and staff. Hear all about our curriculum and our special programs – art and drama opportunities, student-initiated clubs, our wildly fun House System, community, music, enrichment trips, athletic opportunities and more! Meet our teachers, enjoy a student-led tour and visit classes in session.
See email sent on December 13th for more information. |
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Financial Aid ApplicationReminder that the 2024-2025 Financial Aid Application is now available. Applications are due Monday, February 5, 2024. Follow this link to log into your FACTS account to complete the application, and upload your 2023 W-2’s and your 2022 tax return.
If you have any questions, please contact Rita Detwiler in the Business Office at rita.detwiler@ccamail.org. |
Bookworm Bunch
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Spiritual Emphasis WeekJanuary 16th–January 19th We are excited to announce that the Upper School will have its inaugural Spiritual Emphasis Week from January 16th–19th. During this week as we finish semester 1 and begin semester 2, we plan to make extra time and space during each school day to fix our eyes on Jesus as a community through worship, prayer, and hearing from God’s Word.
The theme for the week is “Filled with the Fullness of God,” which is drawn from Paul’s prayer for believers in Ephesians 3:14-19. Our Head of School, Mr. Anastasi, will be walking us through this prayer and helping us grow our trust in the Lord who is so generous toward us with His love, His grace, and His presence. |
Rhetoric School “Gratitude” Worship Night
Friday, January 19th at 7pm in the Small Gym
Spiritual Emphasis Week will wrap up with a night of worship for Rhetoric School students and their high school aged friends.
Contact the Chapel Council for more information: Lucy: lucy.mclellan.2024@ccamail.org or Mr. Lawrenz: jason.lawrenz@ccamail.org
Living the Christian Faith in the Real World Series
The Prefect Program is our student senior leadership group charged with overseeing critical areas of student life at CCA. Prefects have been reading and discussing Lead Like Jesus Revisited by Ken Blanchard during lunch on Thursdays during the fall. We want to invite our community members who serve in leadership roles to join one of our lunch discussions to talk about living out the Christian faith in the real world. If you would like to invest your experience and tell your story to an engaging group of students, please send an email to Jim MacDonald at jim.macdonald@ccamail.org, and we will try to arrange for you to join us.
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Classical Roots Weekly BlogCheck out this week’s blog post here to read more about the Orchard Story Walk.
Taproot, Alex Miller’s weekly blog for the Classical Roots Program, is now a Substack! You can subscribe to receive his posts via email every week, and keep track of CCA’s home-grown gardening and student leadership program right from your inbox! Click here to subscribe! |
Students Perform with MMEA Northeast District Senior Festival Choir
Congratulations to Daniel Gardner, ‘27 and Madeleine Trumbull, ‘25 for being accepted into and performing with Massachusetts Music Educators Association Northeast District Senior Festival Choir this weekend! Daniel and Madeleine auditioned for the festival back in December and joined 98 other students from the area this weekend. Congratulations Daniel and Madeleine!
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Registration for Spring Athletics is now open!
If you plan to play a spring sport, click here to register.
Be sure to check the Athletics calendar or Team Pages for practice and game schedules.
Questions about Athletics can be directed to the Athletic Director, Mr. Marc Gorgenyi:
Basketball Games this Week
Monday, January 8th:
4:45pm GVBB VS PHA
Tuesday, January 9th:
Wednesday, January 10th:
4:00pm BJVBB @ GANN
Thursday, January 11th:
3:15pm GMSBB @ LCA
Friday, January 12th:
4:00pm BJVBB @ BUA
5:15pm BVBB @ BUA
Cougars Round Up
Boys Varsity Basketball:
1/4: CCA 62, Newman 49
The Cougars improved to 5-2 (3-0 in the MBIL) with the road victory in Boston. CCA, which held a 21 point lead at the half, was led by junior guard Bennett Plosker’s 28 points. Also contributing was junior forward Jacob Libby (7 points, 8 rebounds), along with junior guard Isaac Portugal and freshman forward Dimitrie Farcas, who each netted six points.
Girls Varsity Basketball:
1/5: CCA 10, Montrose 52
The CCA girls varsity lost to a strong Montrose squad by the score of 52-10. The game was competitive for the first half but then injuries and foul trouble stacked up against them which resulted in the loss. Julia Ray led the scoring with 5 in the first half.
Boys JV Basketball:
1/4: CCA 27, Rockport 75
The Boys JV Basketball team were able to play in a last minute game against Rockport. The boys played really well against a team greater in size and talent. Despite the loss, the boys improved greatly from the experience. Spencer and Jacob co-led the scoring with 9 points each. The rest of the boys played as hard as they could including Tristan, Zeke, Andrew, Kaden, Arman, Mikey and Noah.
Girls JV Basketball:
1/5: CCA 18, Montrose 27
The Girls’ JV basketball team lost to Montrose by the final score of 27-18. The girls led after three quarters 14-13 but could not sustain the energy in the final quarter. The Cougars were led in scoring by Abi Kinyua with 7 and Marie M. with 6.
Boys Middle School Basketball:
1/4 CCA vs. Pike
1/5: CCA 38, NSCS 41
After just two practices the Middle School Boys team ended the week with back to back games. Thursday at Pike they came up on the short end of the score. It was encouraging to see our boys exhibit great character as they were mutually encouraging one another throughout the game to the very end. This very same attitude prevailed the following day when they had their first home game against North Shore Christian School. Through much grit and determination, the boys took on NSCS play after play despite being undermanned and undersized, but unfortunately came up three points short with a final score of 41-38! The Cougars were led in scoring by Connor G. with 14 including four 3 pointers. In a well balanced attack scoring also came from Judah L., Tyler C., Kaleb S. and Zeb B. Playing in their first middle school game both Daniel T. and Greyson B. contributed to a great team effort!
Girls Middle School Basketball:
1/4: CCA 18, Pike 28
The Middle School Girls played a hard fought game throughout. They were down only two baskets at half time (9-13), but ended up losing 18-28. A few defensive lapses prevented the comeback and Pike’s team defense stymied the team in their first game. Points scored by: Lia P. – 10 points (1x 3-pointer); Chloe D. 6 points; Olivia C. 2 points
1/5: CCA 34, NS Christian 24
The girls were down 0-4 early in the game but stepped it up to 13-10 at half time. Defensive awareness and team passing improved from game one. The girls confidence grew as the game progressed and each player became more involved in the action. Every CCA player scored and the team was overjoyed as teammates got their first points of the year! The team really worked well together.
Top CCA scorers: Lia P. – 15 points (2x 3-pointers); Alex Q. – 6 points.
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Challenging Minds in the Classical Tradition
Discovering Talents in Every Student
Building Relationships in a Supportive Community
Rooted in Christian Faith