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Covenant Christian Academy Business Hours:
Monday–Friday, 7:30 am–5:30 pm
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Why Covenant?“We learned about CCA through the trusted word of a friend and decided to visit for one of the First Wednesday Open Houses (every first Wednesday of the month). My husband and I were very impressed at our initial visit. We felt a beautiful sense of community. The staff were very kind and welcoming. We knew after that first visit, CCA was the right choice for our family.
We decided to apply to CCA’s PreSchool program for our two children because of CCA’s Christian mission, classical approach, the academic rigor, class size and a commitment to educating the whole child. CCA strongly aligns with our family’s values while providing rigorous academics. We love that the school will nurture our children’s mind, body and spirit. Even though our CCA journey has just begun, we have found that the community is very welcoming and we are very happy with our choice!” – The Cucinatti Family
Welcome to Covenant, Cucinatti family! We’re glad you’re here.
Whether you are a new or seasoned family, we want to hear YOUR “Why Covenant” story! Click here to share your family’s experience. |
The Official School Calendar can be found on our website. To automatically have school events added to your personal online calendar, click the green “Subscribe” button at the bottom of the page! Check back weekly for date change notifications.
Friday, October 25th:
GS Musical, Small Gym, 6:00 pm
Saturday, October 26th:
Discover Covenant, Admissions Event, 9:00 am
GS Musical, Small Gym, 4:00 pm
Please note: There will not be an October Covenant Parent Connection meeting. The next CPC meeting is scheduled for Friday, November 22nd. The first Covenant Commentary for the school year will be held during the last 20 minutes of that meeting and CCA parent, Sarah Libby, LMHC, will address youth mental health. The December CPC meeting will take place on Monday, December 9th, and will be a “Christmas Gift Wrapping Party.”
Monday, November 4th–Thursday, November 7th:
Uniform Swap, PAAC Hallway Ramp
Wednesday, November 6th:
Parents in Prayer, Faculty Lounge, 8:15 am
Thursday, November 7th:
All-School Veterans Day Assembly, PAAC, 2:00 pm
Friday, November 8th:
NO SCHOOL – USLR Parent/Teacher Conferences, GS Professional Day
Monday, November 11th:
NO SCHOOL – Veterans Day
Tuesday, November 12th:
All-School Picture Retake Day
Friday, November 15th:
Logic School Laser Tag, 6:00 pm
Monday, November 18th (PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE!):
Fall Athletics Awards Night, PAAC, 6:00 pm
Tuesday, November 19th:
GS Family Roller Skating Night, Roller World Saugus, 5:00 pm
Friday, November 22nd:
Covenant Parent Connection Meeting & Covenant Commentary, Cafeteria, 8:15 am
Please note: There have been updates to the 2024-25 School Year Calendar. Please click here to print the most recent version One page calendar.
Thank you to those who joined us last Friday as we continued our Homecoming tradition by welcoming students, alumni, parents, grandparents, families, faculty, and friends to Covenant’s campus for an afternoon of food, fun, and games. Events included a Pep Rally, Boys and Girls Varsity Soccer games, a Girls Varsity Volleyball game, concessions and more, ending with a Night of Fire on the front lawn! All proceeds from Homecoming support the Jade A. Williamson and Tyler Luiz Simoes Memorial Scholarship Fund, which honors the legacies of CCA students Jade Williamson and Tyler Simoes by generously blessing a male and a female USLR student each year. If you were unable to make it but would like to support the scholarship, click here.
Click here to view photo albums of events and activities
leading up to and following the Homecoming games.
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All-School Assembly: Honoring the Veterans in our CommunityThursday, November 7th | 2:00 pm | PAAC
Each year CCA celebrates Veterans Day with a special All-School Assembly on Thursday, November 7th, at 2:00 pm in the PAAC. Parents are invited to join us for this special occasion and we would love for you to extend an invitation to any special Veteran in your family as we honor their service.
As we have done in years past, we would like to present a slideshow highlighting veterans who are part of the CCA community. Please submit photos of your family members who are either veterans or active duty service members. Include their name, relationship to your student, branch of service, rank, and years of service. We would love to include our students grandparents, aunts, uncles, parents, brothers, and sisters! All submissions due by Friday, November 1st.
Please submit photos to lisa.coleman@ccamail.org. All previous pictures will be included so you do not need to resend any that have already been submitted. Thank you! |
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All-School Picture Retake DayTuesday, November 12th
Retake day is for any new students and staff members, transfer students, anyone who may have missed the initial picture day, and anyone unhappy with their original picture. If a student would like the retake photo to replace the original photo, please have the student return the original picture package to the photographer on picture day. The package will be replaced at no additional cost. |
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Call for Community Creators: Join Our Student Makers Market!We’re excited to announce plans for a Student Makers Market (Craft Fair) at CCA this spring and want to hear from our talented community! If you’re interested in showcasing your handmade crafts and creations, please fill out this form to help us kick off the preparation process. This is a wonderful opportunity for students and families to share their creativity and support one another. Let’s make this event a fantastic celebration of our community’s talents!
For more information, feel free to contact fifth grade teacher Mrs. Amy Prichard at amy.prichard@ccamail.org. |
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Fall Uniform SwapMonday, November 4th–Thursday, November 7th | PAAC Hallway Ramp
For many years, the Covenant community has enjoyed supporting one another by recycling and reusing outgrown uniforms. We are preparing for our Fall Uniform Swap which will be available in the PAAC Hallway Ramp from November 4th – November 7th. Please feel free to begin sending in clean and bagged donations via the carlines! It is unnecessary to contribute to benefit, but we encourage everyone to participate – or hand down outgrown uniforms directly to family and friends. |
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Save the Date for CCA’s Inaugural Family Volunteer Day!Saturday, November 23, 2024 | 9:00 am – 1:00 pm | CCA
Family Volunteer Day is a global day of service that celebrates the power of families who work together to support their communities and neighborhoods. 2024 will be CCA’s inaugural year to participate, so save the date and plan to bring the family to help with beautifying our campus and learning spaces. All skill levels welcome, with a few projects needing expertise in plumbing, landscaping, and construction.
Stay tuned for project lists and sign-ups! |
Volunteers Needed
Monday, November 25th | 8:00 am | Cafeteria
Many hands make for light work! We are looking for a few volunteers to help sort and prepare the Christmas Greenery orders for distribution. If you are available on the morning of Monday, November 25th and would like to join a small team of elves, please click the link below.
Sorting and Labeling Christmas Greens
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Extra Active Bees Alert
As you may have heard from your children, we have closed the playground due to extra active bees and several stings. An exterminator examined some key areas and determined the bees are mainly coming from the front orchard, however there are bees present around the perimeter of the building. Their activity ebbs and flows and since they were very quiet on Wednesday and Thursday, we have reopened the playground as it has been deemed safe. We also have discussed “bee safety” protocols with our students.
Please note, warm days in the fall will always present with some lazy, angry bees. If you would prefer your child not be on the playground before the first frost takes care of the bees, please let your child’s teacher know of this preference ASAP.
Parents are allowed to use the playground after school at their own discretion. |
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Discover Covenant: Admissions Open House EventSaturday, October 26th | 9:00–11:00 am
CCA has an Admissions Open House Event coming up on Saturday, October 26th at 9:00 am. If you know of any families looking for more info about what CCA has to offer, please share this event with them. It’s a great opportunity for new families to check out our campus and hear about all aspects of Covenant!
Contact ryan.patrie@ccamail.org for more info, or click here. |
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Reminder: Medication PolicyMedication administration in the school setting is highly regulated by the state of Massachusetts. Every effort should be made to schedule medication administration outside school hours. The school nurse has standing orders for the following over-the-counter medications: Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Aquaphor, calamine lotion, natural tear drops, and cough drops. However, these medications may only be administered with parent’s written permission through the Magnus Health portal. ALL other medications requiring administration during school hours will require both physician’s orders and parental consent. Please note students are not permitted to carry ANY medications at school. The only exceptions include self-carried USLR epipens and inhalers with doctor’s orders, or at school nurse discretion in consultation with the parents. Any unauthorized medications found to be carried by students during the day will be confiscated, and returned to parents at dismissal. Please contact Christen Ashley, RN at school.nurse@ccamail.org if you have any questions. |
Exploring History: Second Graders Visit Plimoth Patuxet Museums
This week, the second graders had an exciting field trip to Plimoth Patuxet Museums as part of their Social Studies unit on Massachusetts History. The students had the unique opportunity to engage with members of the Wampanoag tribe and Pilgrims, learning firsthand about life in the 1600s. The interactive experience brought history to life, allowing the children to gain a deeper understanding of the culture and daily life of both groups during that time period. It was an enriching outing that sparked curiosity and excitement about their studies!
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Grammar School Family Rollerskating NightTuesday, November 19th | 5:30 pm | Roller World, Saugus
Save the Date for Family Fun: Rollerskating at Roller World in Saugus, Tuesday, Nov. 19th 5:30-6:45! The whole family is invited to enjoy rollerskating and available concessions for dinner!
More information and registration link will be available soon. |
Upcoming College Admissions Visits
The College Guidance office will host admissions representatives from various colleges during Lunch and Homeroom/Advisory this fall. All juniors are encouraged to attend to learn about different colleges. All seniors should make every effort to attend visits from colleges on their application list. Any Rhetoric School student is welcome to join!
Next scheduled visit:
UMass Boston on 10/31
Stay tuned for more visits as they are scheduled! See Mrs. Draper or email Rebecca.draper@ccamail.org with questions!
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Logic School Laser TagFriday, November 15th | 6:00 pm
Attention all 7th and 8th graders: Save the Date for Laser Tag Night on Friday, November 15th at 6:00 pm.
Look for an email next week from Mr. Ingersoll with additional details and sign-up links.
Click here to view photos of Spirit Week, the USLR Snack, Senior Lunch, the Pep Rally, Homecoming Games, Night of Fire and the Homecoming Dance.
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Classical Roots Weekly Blog: Keep It Burning
Click here to read this week’s blog post, Keep It Burning, and to subscribe to the Classical Roots Substack. Download the Substack app to be able to comment and ask questions. Help us spread the word by sharing this link with your friends.
If you are interested in learning more about this program or getting involved, please contact Alex Miller at alex.miller@ccamail.org. |
Covenant Christian Academy Grammar School Students present
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Friday, October 25th at 6:00 pm
Saturday, October 26th at 4:00 pm
Tickets are $8 per person, ages 5 through adult
Children 4 and under are free (but a ticket needs to be reserved for each person attending)
Purchase tickets here.
Remaining tickets will be available at the door before each performance.
Covenant Christian Academy Small Gymnasium
83 Pine Street, Peabody
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Square 1 Art Order FormsDue: Friday, November 8th
Square 1 Art is a school fundraiser that supports Covenant’s Fine Arts department. From ornaments, to coasters, to notebooks and more, you can find something for yourself or as a gift for someone else – personalized with your child’s artwork and signature!
Order forms went home with all Grammar School students last week and are due by November 8th.
Questions about Square 1 Art orders can be directed to Lisa Coleman, Director of Fine Arts at lisa.coleman@ccamail.org. |
Required Winter Sports Meeting
Wednesday, November 6th | 7:00 pm | Zoom
There will be a short virtual meeting for all registered student-athletes and their parents on Wednesday, November 6th at 7:00 pm. This meeting will provide a chance to set expectations and share details about the winter season. Please make every effort to have your student-athlete attend, along with at least one parent. This meeting will be on Zoom and last no longer than 30 minutes.
Contact Athletic Director Jason Lawrenz with any questions: jason.lawrenz@ccamail.org.
Fall Athletics Awards Night
DATE CHANGE: Monday, November 18th | 6:00 pm | PAAC
The Fall Athletics Awards Ceremony will be on Monday, November 18th, at 6:00 pm. This is a special night dedicated to the efforts and hard work of each athlete throughout the season. Every fall sport athlete is invited to attend along with their families. CCA is proud of our student-athletes and we look forward to this night dedicated to them.
There will be an ice cream/dessert bar available upon arrival, and athletes will be sitting with their teams at round tables.
**Athletes: please dress up for this! (Rhetoric School chapel dress is the basic guideline.)
If you have any questions, please contact our Athletic Director, Jason Lawrenz at jason.lawrenz@ccamail.org.
Upcoming Games
What an amazing fall sports season for CCA! Playoffs begin this week for our Varsity sports teams. Please check our Athletics Calendar for most up-to-date game times and locations.
Saturday, October 26th:
255 Grapevine Road, Wenham, MA
Girls Varsity Soccer vs Kents Hill, 3:00 pm kickoff
Boys Varsity Soccer vs Kents Hill, 5:30 pm kickoff
Tuesday, October 29th:
Girls Varsity Volleyball @ CCA – IGC Semis, 4:30 pm start
Wednesday, October 30th:
Varsity Cross Country @ CSW – Finals, 3:00 pm start
Thursday, October 31st:
Boys Varsity Soccer @ CCA – MBIL Semis, 3:00 pm kickoff
Girls Varsity Soccer @ CCA – IGC Semis, 3:00 pm kickoff
Girls Varsity Volleyball @ CCA – IGC Finals, 5:00 pm start (pending a Tuesday win)
**Note: If you would like to help with concessions for any of our post-season games, please contact Athletic Director, Jason Lawrenz (jason.lawrenz@ccamail.org)
Cougars RoundUp!
Wednesday, October 16th:
Girls Varsity Soccer: CCA 0 vs. Boston Trinity Academy 0
CCA hosted IGC opponent BTA on Wednesday. The two teams battled to a 0-0 draw. CCA defended well and created many chances, but were unable to find the back of the net. Credit to goal keeper Isabella DeCotis (’25) and the backline of Samantha Seiler (’28), Ellie Landymore (’25), Evie Hammond (’25) and Elsa Williams (‘25) for securing the clean sheet.
Boys Varsity Soccer: CCA 7 vs. Waring 1
In an impressive display of skill and teamwork, the CCA boys varsity soccer team dominated Waring with a final score of 7-1. Despite conceding an early goal, the Cougars quickly rallied, responding with seven unanswered goals. Ethan Velasquez (’27) led the charge with an outstanding hat trick, showcasing his talent throughout the match. Additional goals were scored by Bennett Plosker (’25), Wes Libby (’28), Isaac Portugal (’25), and Nathan Cerqueira (’27). It was a remarkable performance by CCA, highlighting their offensive prowess and determination on the field.
Thursday, October 17th:
Boys Middle School Soccer: CCA 1 vs. Austin Prep 0
In the best contest of the season the Middle School Boys improved to 7-0-1 defeating a strong team from Austin Prep by the score of 1-0. Kaleb S (‘29) scored the winner on an assist from Hudson Baker in the 58th minute breaking the scoreless tie. This completes an outstanding two weeks against the best teams of the year with the team going undefeated.
Girls Middle School Soccer: CCA 0 vs. Austin Prep 1
In a closely contested match, CCA’s girls middle school soccer team faced off against Austin Prep, ultimately falling 1-0. CCA started strong, generating multiple scoring opportunities, but were unable to find the back of the net, thanks in large part to AP’s impressive goalkeeper. Austin Prep capitalized on their sole chance, scoring a well-executed goal. The second half saw a more balanced play, with CCA continuing to push forward but struggling to overcome AP’s defense. Despite the loss, CCA’s relentless effort and determination shone through, showcasing their resilience from start to finish.
Girls JV Volleyball: CCA 0 vs. Austin Prep 2 (21-25, 17-25)
the CCA JV girls volleyball team put forth an impressive effort against Austin Prep, ultimately losing 2-0 with scores of 21-25 and 17-25. The team demonstrated strong communication and positivity on the court, working well together despite the outcome. Their teamwork and resilience were evident, and the players recognized that they played well.
Boys JV Soccer: CCA 1 vs. Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall 3
In a challenging away match, the CCA boys JV soccer team faced Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall and lost 3-1. Despite having no substitutes and battling through fatigue, CCA showed determination. Colin Root (‘28) made a highlight moment by scoring his first career goal, providing a spark for the team. However, some unusual goals from CHCH allowed them to secure the win. Overall, it was a tough match, but CCA’s spirit and effort were commendable.
Friday, October 18th (HOMECOMING GAMES):
Homecoming game recaps are posted on our Homecoming page.
Boys Varsity Soccer: CCA 3 vs. Landmark 1
Girls Varsity Soccer: CCA 4 vs. Landmark 1
Girls Varsity Volleyball: CCA 3 vs. Boston Trinity Academy 0 (25-15, 25-23, 25-19)
Tuesday, October 22nd:
Girls Varsity Soccer (SENIOR NIGHT): CCA 1 vs. Gann 0
A beautiful fall afternoon provided the backdrop for CCA’s Senior Day as the Cougars hosted Gann Academy. Fittingly, two CCA seniors provided the pivotal moments in a 1-0 win. Striker Carys Walters (’25) scored after she ran onto a through ball and muscled off a Gann defender to slot the ball past the keeper just 8 minutes into the match. CCA continued to generate pressure without finding the back of the goal and Gann did not provide much threat in the 1st half. The 2nd half saw CCA create more chances, but were still not able to capitalize. With about 20 minutes to play, Covenant was called for a handball in the box and Gann was awarded a penalty kick. Gann’s best player stepped up to take the kick and strongly hit the ball toward goal. Cougar’s goalkeeper, Isabella DeCotis (’25), dove to her right and made a brilliant save to preserve the lead and eventual victory for the Cougars! CCA (9-1-2) will play Kents Hill on Saturday, October 26th under the lights at Gordon College’s Brigham Athletic Complex before starting the IGC playoffs next week.
Wednesday, October 23rd:
Boys Middle School Soccer: CCA 1 vs. Glen Urquhart School 0
The Middle School Boys Soccer team dominated play throughout the game and came away with a 1-0 victory over GUS. The goal was scored by Tyler C (‘29) off a rebound from a direct kick by Hudson B (‘29). This was an overall team effort. The boys complete their season with a final record of 8-0-1. Congratulations on an undefeated season.
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Join us in welcoming Sydney Sweeney to our CCA team!Sydney joined us this year in a dual role as one of our Main Office Managers and the Admissions Assistant. Sydney has previous experience working in a Christian school and has exceptional administrative skills. Her welcoming personality is a great fit at Covenant. Be sure to say “Hi” and introduce yourself when you see her in the Main Office.
What will your role be here? I will be the Main Office Manager on MWF and will also be working as the Admissions Assistant.
Can you tell us a bit about your background and previous experience? I have been a third grade teacher for the last 6 years. I most recently worked at North Shore Christian School. I studied early childhood education, ESL and psychology at Gordon College.
What drew you to join CCA? I wanted a change of pace from teaching but still wanted to be involved in Christian education. I have heard such wonderful things about CCA and wanted to be a part of the wonderful community.
What are you most looking forward to this school year? I am looking forward to getting to know the students, families, and staff at CCA.
Favorite food: Steak and Crab
Favorite book: Redeeming Love
Favorite Bible verse: Jeremiah 29:13
What are your hobbies or interests outside of work? Softball, Soccer, Tennis, Snowboarding, Reading
Share a fun or unique fact about yourself: I have been skydiving
If you were to participate in the USLR Lip Sync Battle, which song would you sing? Ain’t No Mountain High Enough
If you were to participate in the GS Star Wars dress-down day, which character would you be? Princess Leia
Is there anything you’d like to say to the community as you start your journey here? I love getting to meet new people, so please come say “Hi” and introduce yourself. I am looking forward to getting to know you and your children and am thankful for the small part I get to play in their education.
Welcome to the team, Sydney! We’re glad you’re here. |
Have questions? We welcome you to email our Administrative Team using the links below.
David Anastasi, Head of School
Andrea Bergstrom, Grammar School Principal
Lisa Coleman, Director of Fine Arts & Grammar School Assistant Principal
Matthew Offner, Upper School of Logic & Rhetoric Principal
Tracy Bennett, Upper School of Logic & Rhetoric Dean of Academics
Caleb Ingersoll, Upper School of Logic & Rhetoric Dean of Students
Rita Detwiler, Business Manager
Jason Lawrenz, Athletic Director & Chaplain; John Sievens, Assistant Athletic Director
Ryan Patrie, Director of Admissions; Sydney Sweeney, Admissions Assistant
Jessica Rossotti, Chief Finance and Operating Officer
Erin Sheppard, Director of Marketing & Communications
Nicole Williams, Chief Advancement Officer
Joshua Ulrich, Director of Campus Safety
Sharon Covell, Main Office Manager; Sydney Sweeney, Main Officer Manager
Tricia Curtis, Registrar & USLR Administrative Assistant
Challenging Minds in the Classical Tradition
Discovering Talents in Every Student
Building Relationships in a Supportive Community
Rooted in Christian Faith