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Covenant Christian Academy Business Hours:

Monday–Friday, 7:30 am–5:30 pm




The Official School Calendar can be found on our website. To automatically have school events added to your personal online calendar, click the green “Subscribe” button at the bottom of the page! Check back weekly for date change notifications.



Friday, February 28th:

Deadline for Silent Auction and Themed Raffle Basket donations

Logic School ManHunt, Cafe, 6:00 pm

**There will be no Covenant Parent Connection meeting this month. We look forward to gathering on Friday, March 28th.**


Monday, March 3rd:

All-School Chapel, Spiritual Emphasis Week, PAAC, 8:15 am

Seussical™ Ticket Sales Go Live, 9:00 am

Junior Parent College Admission Night, Cafe, 6:30 pm


Wednesday, March 5th: 

Parents in Prayer, Faculty Lounge, 8:15 am


Thursday, March 6th:

LS Identity & Wellness Day

RS Outing (MacBeth), North Shore Music Theater, 10:00 am




Friday, March 7th:

USLR Worship Night, Small Gym, 7:00 pm


Monday, March 10th–Friday, March 14th:

Virtual Silent Auction Items on Preview at CCA and online (link will be provided via email on Monday, March 10th)


Tuesday, March 11th: 

Winter Athletics Awards Night, PAAC, 6:00 pm


Wednesday, March 12th:

Spring Athletics Informational Meeting, Zoom, 7:30 pm


Thursday, March 13th:

Chick-fil-A Fundraiser, North Shore Mall Peabody, 5:00 pm (please note date change)


Saturday, March 15th:

Evening of Gratitude, Olio, Peabody, 6:30 pm


Monday, March 17th:

All-School Green Dress-down Day in Honor of St. Patrick’s Day


Monday, March 17th–Friday, March 21st:

Virtual Silent Auction Opens for Bidding and Raffle Ticket Purchases


Thursday, March 20th–Saturday, March 22nd:

USLR Musical, Seussical™


Tuesday, March 25th: 

GS Rollerskating Social, Roller World, Saugus, 5:00 pm



Please click here to print the most recent 2024–25 School Year Calendar.  





Spiritual Emphasis Week

Monday, March 3rd–Friday, March 7th


Join us in worship together as we kick off Spiritual Emphasis week on Monday, March 3rd with an All-School chapel in the PAAC at 8:15 am


Spiritual Emphasis Week is a time to be more intentional in devotion and worship. This year’s theme is “Behold Him!” and we’ll be focusing on Psalm 27:4 


One thing I ask from the Lord,
    this only do I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
    all the days of my life,
to gaze on the beauty of the Lord
    and to seek him in his temple.


Grammar School students will bring home a packet with daily devotionals to do with their families. 


USLR students will have extra time and space during each school day to fix our eyes on Jesus as a community through worship, prayer, and hearing from God’s Word. 


Parents in Prayer

Wednesday, March 5th | 8:15 am | Faculty/Staff Lounge


Parents in Prayer (PIP) is a fellowship co-led by CCA parents Hanna Machatha (mom to 4th-grader Andrew and 2nd-grader Ariana) and Valencia Koomson (mom to 3rd-grader Michelle and 1st-grader Justin) and is open to all CCA parents. PIP gathers the first Wednesday of the month in the Faculty/Staff Lounge following morning drop-off to pray for students, faculty and staff, administrative leadership of the school and board, parents, and specific prayer needs as they arise. 


You are welcome to join!


The next prayer meeting for this school year is Wednesday, March 5th at 8:15 am. Please reach out to Hanna or Valencia with any questions at


Chick-fil-A Fundraiser

Thursday, March 13th | 5:00–7:00 pm | Chick-fil-A, North Shore Mall, Peabody, MA

(please note date change)


The Covenant Parent Connection is excited to once again host a fundraising dinner on Thursday, March 13th with Chick-fil-A at the North Shore Mall in Peabody!


What could be better than not needing to cook dinner on a school night?

Come to Chick-fil-A at the North Shore Mall Food Court and fellowship with other Covenant families! You won’t need to cook, AND you can have dinner with friends in support of a great cause!
CCA will receive 10% of the profit, and all proceeds will benefit this year’s USLR Spring Musical.


BONUS INCENTIVE!! If 150 people order at Chick-fil-A on March 13th, Mr. Anastasi and Mrs. Bergstrom will dress up as leprechauns on St. Patrick’s Day!


USLR BONUS: Earn a dress-down day if 100 students participate.


View the flyer for more information. 


Covenant’s Evening of Gratitude

Saturday, March 15th | 6:30 pm | Olio, Peabody, MA


“Gratitude for the community we are” is the theme of this year’s evening featuring powerful testimonies highlighting the ways God works through Covenant to make us so much more than a school that educates. Covenant is a community rich in diversity, united by King Jesus, set apart, and empowered by the Holy Spirit to accomplish His will through our mission. Whether you are a parent, teacher, staff member, alumni, or friend of Covenant, you are part of this joyful community! 


Join us for this year’s Evening of Gratitude—an evening of connection with, and appreciation for, the incredible people that make Covenant Christian Academy such a remarkable place!

Date: Saturday, March 15, 2025

Location: Olio 43 Main Street, Peabody

Time: 6:30-9:30 pm 


Click here for a photo gallery and here for a video capturing the highlights of last year’s celebration! The evening will include heavy hors d’oeuvres, a cash bar, live entertainment, and dancing. 


Dress is cocktail attire. Tickets are $75 and can be purchased here by Friday, March 7, 2025


If you have questions about the Evening of Gratitude, please feel free to contact Nicole Wise Williams, Chief Advancement Officer, at


We look forward to sharing our gratitude with you!


All-School “Green” Day in Honor of St. Patrick’s Day

Monday, March 17th


All students are invited to “Get Their Green On” in honor of St. Patrick’s Day!


Students may wear jeans and greens! No need to be Irish, just up for some fun! (Appropriate green accessories are allowed. Standard CCA uniform or dress code is always fine for those who would rather not participate.) You will receive an email from Mrs. Coleman or Mr. Ingersoll with more information. 


CCA’s Annual 100th Day of School Service Project

Thank you to all who generously donated to the Haven from Hunger food drive! Program manager, Danys, and her staff expressed a heartfelt thank you to the CCA community for providing much needed items. Your efforts continue to go a long way to sustain and comfort many who are in need.


Matthew 25:40  “Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”





Last Call for Virtual Silent Auction and Themed Basket Raffle Items!

Donations due tomorrow – Friday, February 28th


CLICK HERE to preview or donate items for the themed basket raffle or CLICK HERE if you’d like to make a monetary donation towards an item to be purchased. For questions concerning the basket raffle, contact Ashley Anastasi at


All silent auction and themed basket raffle items will be displayed for preview starting Monday, March 10th–Monday, March 17th in select locations throughout the school, and on our social media channels, school website, and virtual bidding platform for sharing with friends and family near and far. 


Bidding and raffle ticket purchases will open on Monday, March 17th, and close on Friday, March 21st. All auction and raffle proceeds will support our 2024-2025 Covenant Fund.


If you have any questions or would like to donate a silent auction item, please contact Nicole Wise Williams, Chief Advancement Officer at


Thank you so much for supporting CCA’s mission to build students’ academic, spiritual, and social foundations for lives of leadership and service in today’s global community!




Share CCA With a Friend!

First Wednesday Open House: Wednesday, March 5th | 9:00–11:00 am


CCA is offering Admissions Open House events on the first Wednesday of every month from October through May. This is a terrific opportunity for you to see us at our best “In Action!”  Visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy a personalized, student-led campus tour. If you know of any families looking for more info about what CCA has to offer, please share these events with them. It’s a great opportunity for new families to check out our campus and hear about all aspects of Covenant!


Spaces are limited and must be reserved in advance. Contact for more info, or click here.


International Student Host Family Application


The International Student Host Family Program is now accepting applications for potential host families for the 2025-26 school year. For more information about the host family program, please reference the ISP Host Family Presentation


Click here to complete the Host Family Application Form. 


Following the submission of the application, a member of our team will reach out about scheduling a home site visit.  Feel free to reach out to Director of Admissions, Ryan Patrie, ( with any questions. 





Important Magnus Health Update

Please note that the link for the Magnus Health portal is now available through your Veracross log-in, and is no longer accessible through FACTS. Even if your student will be graduating this year, or your student will not be re-enrolling at CCA next year, you should still have access to a Veracross log-in.


If you have difficulty accessing your Veracross acount, contact Registrar Tricia Curtis (


For any other Magnus Health questions, please contact school nurse Christen Ashley (, or you can reach out to Magnus Support directly at 919-502-7689 or




Save the Date–Grammar School Family Roller Skating Social

Tuesday, March 25th | 5:00–6:45 pm | Roller World, Saugus


Lace-up your skates and join us for an evening of fun and laughter as we glide around the rink together! All Grammar School students and family members are invited to join us for a Roller Skating Social at Roller World in Saugus on Tuesday, March 25th from 5:00–6:45pm! The whole family is invited to enjoy rollerskating and available concessions for dinner!


Registration link coming soon. 


Questions about the Roller Skating Social can be directed to Andrea Bergstrom:


Exploring the Human Body: A Visit from Mr. Braje, Physical Therapist


Mr. Braje (father of Maleena) visited the fourth grade to talk about his job as a physical therapist. In Science, the fourth-graders are learning about the human body. In their recent study of the skeletal and muscular system, they learned a lot about how Mr. Braje helps individuals in pain or recovering from an injury get stronger. Thank you Mr. Braje for letting us play with all of your awesome equipment and informing us on how to keep healthy and mobile!




GS Girls and Boys Running Clubs

Calling all Runners Grades 3rd–6th!


We are planning on running the Running Club (pun intended!) again this year for both girls and boys! Faculty members Sarah Smith and Jill Isabella will lead the girls group and Daniel Hendricks will lead the boys. The first joint meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 15th in the Small Gym from 3:00–4:00 pm to go over expectations.


Boys: Mondays and Wednesdays | 3:00–4:00 pm | Meet in Small Gym

Girls: Tuesdays and Thursdays | 3:00–4:00 pm | Meet in Small Gym

Clubs will run the week of April 28th through the week of May 19th.

The cost is $75 (t-shirt included) and space will be limited. Registration will be available soon.


Both boys and girls running clubs plan to finish the season by running the 5K Melody Miles Race in Hamilton on May 24th together (this is optional) and have a joint wrap-up party on Tuesday, May 27th.


We are in need of parent volunteers (especially for 3rd grade)! No running experience needed. We just need adults to help supervise. Please reach out to:

Sarah Smith to volunteer for the girls club or

Daniel Hendricks to volunteer for the boys club.

GS Girls Dance Clinic

Monday, April 28th – Thursday, May 1st | 3:00–4:30 pm | PAAC


Girls in grades 4-6 are invited to join Miss Perrotta for a four-day dance clinic! Miss Perrotta danced for 19 years and competed on a Division 1 team in college. This clinic will help students work on stretching, basic dance techniques, and jazz choreography. No prior dance experience is needed, all girls in grades 4-6 are welcome!


Click here for more information. 


April Vacation Kids Activity Camp

Monday, April 21st–Thursday, April 24th | 9:00 am–1:00 pm | CCA


Pre-Kindergarten teachers Mrs. Herwing and Mrs. Davey are offering a Kids Activity Camp for students in Pre-K through first grade the week of April Vacation. Students will have the opportunity to engage in both free play as well as targeted, structured activities. Each day will allow time to participate in focused activities that could include making slime, building a car for a car race, exploring and crafting in nature, outdoor games, making jewelry and more. 


Space is limited. Click here for more information. Click here to register. 

Please reach out to Abbagail Herwing ( with any questions. 


ACSI International Math Competition: Students Compete and Showcase Mathematical Excellence


On Tuesday, 24 students in grades 3-6 competed in the ACSI International Math Competition. According to ACSI, the International Math Competition is designed to celebrate and cultivate mathematical excellence worldwide. It serves as the ultimate platform for aspiring mathematicians to demonstrate their adept skills, challenge their intellectual capacity, and push the boundaries of their mathematical competency. The IMC allows students to grow in ways that honor their God-given talents, fostering a deeper appreciation for the gifts they’ve been given and a stronger sense of purpose in using them. 


We would like to congratulate the following students who qualified to participate in the next level of the competition: Naylah (3), Michelle (3), Oliver (5), Sabrina (5), Benjamin (5), Dustin (5), and Colvin (6).





Logic School Manhunt

Friday, February 28th | 6:00–8:00 pm | CCA Cafe


Calling all 7th and 8th grade students – Join us for an exhilarating game of Manhunt (hide-and-seek), a beloved tradition among Logic School students! This event will take place on Friday, February 28th, and promises fun and fellowship. The cost is $8 per student. Pizza, drinks, and snacks will be provided.


See the email from Mr. Ingersoll with an online permission slip and payment form for PARENTS to complete by the deadline of Thursday evening, February 27th.


Junior Parent College Admissions Night!

Monday, March 3rd | 6:30 pm | Cafeteria


Please join Rebecca Draper, Director of College Guidance, for an information-filled crash course on college admissions. From building a college list, to making college visits, to an overview of how to apply to college, we will cover everything you need to know about college admissions for your junior.


Click here to RSVP. 


Shakespeare’s Macbeth for Rhetoric School

Thursday, March 6th | 10:00 am| North Shore Music Theater


Immediately following the National Latin Exam on Thursday, March 6th, the Rhetoric School will attend a live performance of Shakespeare’s Macbeth at the North Shore Music Theater.


Permission forms must be filled out for your child to attend!


After the show the students will return to campus for lunch (provided by the school) followed by an afternoon of activities and a wellness assembly relating to relational health.


Questions can be directed to Mr. Offner at


USLR Behold Him Worship Night

Friday, March 7th | 7:00–8:30 pm | Small Gym


All Upper School students are invited to close out Spiritual Emphasis week with a night of worship in the Small Gym. Join us on Friday, March 7th at 7:00 pm



Click here to read more about the Classical Roots program and to subscribe to the Substack.


Classical Roots Weekly Blog: House Finches 


Click here to read this week’s blog post, House Finches, and to subscribe to the Classical Roots Substack. Download the Substack app to be able to comment and ask questions. Help us spread the word by sharing this link with your friends. 


If you are interested in learning more about this program or getting involved, please contact Alex Miller at



Last Chance to Sponsor the Spring 2025 Production of  “Seussical™” 

Deadline for ad reservations: Friday, February 28th


We are offering sponsorship opportunities for local businesses, organizations, and events that are interested in reaching families with school-aged children throughout the North Shore of Boston and Eastern Massachusetts. The musical production of Seussical™ will feature a live pit orchestra, professional grade costuming, extensive staging, professional lighting and sound engineering. Would you consider supporting this musical production by purchasing ad space in the program book? The program will be distributed to all audiences during the four performances, reaching an estimated 600+ people. 


Click here for more information. 



Seussical™ Tickets

Tickets for Seussical™ go on sale Monday, March 3rd at 9:00 am.  

Performance times are:

  • Thursday, March 20th at 7:00 pm
  • Friday, March 21st at 7:00 pm
  • Saturday, March 22nd at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Click here after 9:00 am on Monday to reserve your seats. 



Send a Performer Praise to Seussical™ Cast and Crew!

Due by: Wednesday, March 5th


The Covenant community has the opportunity to send a “Performer Praise” to members of the Seussical™ cast and crew!  All messages will be printed in the programs and cost $2 a praise.  Fill out this form to submit a performer praise.


Upcoming Seussical™ rehearsals:

All rehearsals will be in the PAAC from 3:00 pm–5:00 pm.


Friday, February 28th – Run Scenes 15-17

Monday, March 3rd – Run Scenes 1-3

Tuesday, March 4th – Run Scenes 4-6

Wednesday, March 5th – Run Scenes 7-9

Thursday, March 6th – Run Scenes 10-14







Winter Athletics Awards Night

Tuesday, March 11th | 6:00 pm | PAAC 


The Winter Athletics Awards Ceremony will be on Tuesday, March 11th, at 6:00 pm. This is a special night dedicated to the efforts and hard work of each athlete throughout the season. Every winter sport athlete is invited to attend along with their families. CCA is proud of our student-athletes and we look forward to this night dedicated to them.


There will be an ice cream/dessert bar available upon arrival, and athletes will be sitting with their teams at round tables.


**Athletes: please dress up for this! (Rhetoric School chapel dress is the basic guideline.)


If you have any questions, please contact Athletic Director, Jason Lawrenz at



Spring Athletics Informational Meeting

Wednesday, March 12th | 7:30 pm | Zoom


All spring season athletes, along with at least one parent per household, are expected to join an online informational meeting at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, March 12th. The meeting will be on Zoom and will last no more than 30 minutes. Athletes who only plan to participate in club golf should still plan to attend. 


If you have any questions, please contact Athletic Director, Jason Lawrenz at





Student Makers Market:

Monday, April 14th | 3:30-5:30 pm | Small Gym


Calling all crafty, artsy students!  CCA will be hosting its first ever Student Makers Market! The Market will take place on Monday, April 14th from 3:30-5:30 pm in the small gym. Any students in PreK–Grade 12 can participate. If your child/children would like to participate in this market by selling handmade items that they have created, please fill out this form Student Makers Market Participation Form. Please contact Grammar School teacher Amy Prichard with any questions:


Bling Fling – Free Prom Dress Event

Saturday, March 15th, 9:00 am–6:00 pm | Sunday, March 16th, 12:00–3:00 pm | Glen T. MacLeod Cape Ann YMCA, Gloucester


Looking for a prom dress but don’t want to “break the bank”?  Come and check out the Bling Fling! This event offers free formal dresses to girls attending formal events. There will be more than 200 dresses, many with the tags still on–all colors, styles, lengths, and sizes. Shoes, purses, and jewelry will also be available. The event will be held at the Glen T. MacLeod Cape Ann YMCA on Saturday, March 15th from 9:00 am–6:00 pm and Sunday, March 16th from 12:00–3:00 pm. Please contact Grammar School teacher Amy Prichard with any questions:




Rita Detwiler, Business Manager


What is your role at Covenant and how long have you worked here? I started here as the Front Office Manager and then moved into the Business Office. This is my 11th year at CCA.


What has been your biggest learning experience here so far? Learning Veracross!! 😬


What’s your favorite thing about working at Covenant? My co-workers and listening to the Chapel worship music every Wednesday morning. I can hear it from my office all morning long.


Can you share a Bible verse or passage that has had a significant impact on your life or career? Isaiah 41:10: So do not fear, for I am with you;
    do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.


What do you enjoy doing outside of work? Being with my family, baking, sewing, visiting Trustees of Reservations properties for hikes and adventures.


If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Take a Viking River Cruise in Europe.


Describe one way you see God’s hand in Covenant’s mission or work. The International Student Program because students are brought here by God from all over the world and placed in the middle of a Christian community to hear about His love for them. For many, it is the first time they have heard about Jesus and His saving grace. The mission field comes to us and walks right through the doors of CCA. What a wonderful opportunity!


What’s your favorite food? Mexican.


Who on the team inspires you the most, and why? Sharon Covell & Tricia Curtis because they interact with every family in the school in one way or another and they do so with genuine kindness & a spirit of service.


What’s a fun fact about you that most people don’t know? I played the banjo and had a snowmobile license when I was a teenager.


What’s your favorite CCA tradition or event? The Open Houses right before school starts and the International Festival.


What’s your favorite book, movie, or hobby? The Screwtape Letters, You’ve Got Mail, Good Will Hunting, and The Nightingale.


How do you find balance between your faith, family, and work commitments? By keeping a Sabbath Day – committing to a day of rest and reflection helps me keep a balance.


Is there anything else you’d like the community to know about you? I love being a Mimi to my one grandson. What a joy God brings us at this stage of life!




Have questions? We welcome you to email our Administrative Team using the links below.


David Anastasi, Head of School

Andrea Bergstrom, Grammar School Principal

Lisa Coleman, Director of Fine Arts & Grammar School Assistant Principal

Matthew Offner, Upper School of Logic & Rhetoric Principal

Tracy Bennett, Upper School of Logic & Rhetoric Dean of Academics

Caleb Ingersoll, Upper School of Logic & Rhetoric Dean of Students

Rita Detwiler, Business Manager

Jason Lawrenz, Athletic Director & Chaplain; John Sievens, Assistant Athletic Director

Ryan Patrie, Director of Admissions; Sydney Sweeney, Admissions Assistant

Jessica Rossotti, Chief Finance and Operating Officer

Erin Sheppard, Director of Marketing & Communications

Nicole Williams, Chief Advancement Officer

Joshua Ulrich, Director of Campus Safety

Sharon Covell, Main Office Manager; Sydney Sweeney, Main Officer Manager

Tricia Curtis, Registrar & USLR Administrative Assistant

Bob Mulvey, Director of Facilities; Franny Morales, Facilities Assistant


Challenging Minds in the Classical Tradition

Discovering Talents in Every Student

Building Relationships in a Supportive Community

Rooted in Christian Faith