Welcome to the Upper School
Welcome to the Upper School of Logic and Rhetoric.  As Covenant Christian Academy enters its 33rd year, we are also pleased to welcome our 15th graduating class, the Class of 2025.  These students have learned the building blocks of a logical argument and the rhetorical styles that make arguments ef …
The Logic School (7-8)
Strategically positioned between the Grammar and Rhetoric schools, the Logic School is unique! It is a dynamic environment that puts students in a position to thrive academically, socially, and spiritually. It is a place where maturing students are given new freedoms. It’s a joyful and nurturing com …
The Rhetoric School (9-12)
Covenant’s School of Rhetoric endeavors to provide excellent education for mind, body, and soul not only to create successful, well-rounded college students, but also to prepare young people for global leadership and a God-honoring impact on society. Covenant desires to shape students into lovers of …
Our Classical Core
Our Classical Pedagogy Covenant Christian Academy (CCA) offers a distinctly Classical K-12 student experience. Based on the ancient model of the Trivium, where students progress from Grammar (where education is primarily focused on rote memory) to Logic (where it is focused on narrative and the rela …
Covenant Roundtable
A student can learn many things in a lecture, but if she spends an entire month reading Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men without ever being asked her opinion about euthanasia, has she truly read it? She may learn the science behind stem cell research or the habits of Napoleon’s army, but if she isn’t giv …
The Senior Thesis
As a college preparatory school, Covenant knows that skilled academic writing and real scholarly research are essential skills, which can only be learned through experience. Our unique Logic and Rhetoric instruction gives students the edge when it comes to formulating and delivering airtight argumen …
College Advising
School Profile for Colleges and Universities School Profile   At Covenant Christian Academy we believe that College Counseling is one of the most important things we do with Rhetoric School students. College, like private schooling, is not a one-size-fits-all experience. Finding the right colle …
Leadership Development
Just as students are encouraged to take charge of their own learning around the CCA Roundtable, we desire students to take responsibility for the tone and culture of their school by exercising their leadership gifts. To that end CCA looks to Seniors for Prefect Leadership and underclassmen to serve …
Coda Trips
Definition of coda 1a: a concluding musical section that is formally distinct from the main structure   b: a concluding part of a literary or dramatic work 2  : something that serves to round out, conclude, or summarize and usually has its own interest   The classroom is a wonderful place to le …
Clubs & Activities
Logic School Covenant Christian Academy provides a variety of opportunities for its Logic School students to socialize and have fun together outside of the academic schedule. Social opportunities are encouraged but optional, and provide fun community building for our students.    Past events in …