Welcome to Covenant Christian Academy!
There is no greater privilege than to pour into the life of a child. Whether you do that at home, at church or in a Christian School, the responsibility is great, but the reward is even greater. For the past five years I have watched firsthand as our faculty and staff have embraced the challenge of growing young people. From the earliest days of their schooling, laying a strong and connected classical foundation all the way through to graduation, our students are writing life stories that are compelling, thoughtful and most importantly, unfinished! If they thought their stories were complete, we would have failed them. Instead, we have prepared them! Their minds are full, their passions ignited, and they know their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. They are ready, pen in hand, to complete their best sellers and it will be a glorious unfolding! It is through these lives that the legacy of Covenant Christian Academy is being written each and every day.
Many schools set out to educate the “whole” child. Most schools claim that they successfully do exactly this. They effectively nurture the academic, intellectual, social, emotional and physical development of their students. However, one critical piece always seems to be missing and this results in an education that is anything but holistic. When we avoid nurturing the spiritual lives of children in school we eliminate the glue that binds all of our development together. When we compartmentalize our faith and keep it separate from the educational process, we cannot effectively educate the “whole” child. Many schools educate children well. We believe that we educate the “whole” child well, body, mind, soul and spirit. God’s truth is woven and connected through truly holistic instruction, a privileged experience we wish all children could have.
It might surprise prospective parents and students to discover that a classical, Christian school can be an engaging, stimulating and invigorating environment. We do not have our heads stuck in the sand of tradition, but rather, marry the gifts of tradition and experience with research-based practices and curriculums that are continuously reviewed and modified as necessary. Classical does not have to mean rigid, rote and redundant. Our students are actively engaged in the learning process from the moment they set foot in the building each day. We address different learning styles, embrace learners as individuals and desire for each and every child to be successful. Christian does not have to mean narrow minded, legalistic, or overly “religious”. We embrace the Truth of the Living God as a joyful expression of His desire and approval for growth, celebratory learning and continual progress. We focus on redemptive love for our brothers and sisters and believe that everyone should find their place in this body of Christ. Our shared faith enhances our learning, never restricts it. We are a committed community of joyful learners at every level.
This fall marks the beginning of our 32nd year serving families north of Boston. This is no small accomplishment for an independent Christian school in New England! I am thrilled to be at the helm as we begin planning for the next 25 years and beyond. God is working among us and we are certain that he has great things in store for this growing Christian school. There are so many stories still yet to be written, we invite you to be a part of this glorious unfolding!
It gives me great joy to collaborate with teachers and families to stimulate progress on all fronts of education: teaching, learning, management and communication. I look forward to sharing the journey with each of you.

David K. Anastasi
Head of School